
Chapter 73- Turncoats

The Lieutenant took off his helmet, revealing his face to the group.

He had blonde hair that was spiraled upwards, and styled in a wild fashion.

His expression was filled with hubris as he looked down upon Dubs and his group.

"If your leader is this clueless about what he's doing, then why are you all following him so blindly? Do you all not care about your lives? Let me offer you all a deal. I will allow you to choose a side before this fight begins. If you choose my side, then I will allow you all to become members of the surfacers guild when I defeat him. If you stay on your leaders side, then I will finish you all off with your leader when he loses."

Arctus looked painfully disturbed by this mans arrogance, and his opinion towards Dubs. "Is this man assuming that there is no chance that Dubs will even win?"

Speaking up, Arctus asked "And what if Dubs wins?"

The man with the swirled hair rolled his eyes. "I suppose that just because there is a sliver of a percent chance that something could happen doesn't mean it can't happen. In that case, your leader can do what he wishes with you, assuming you chose my side."

Dubs smiled at this.

"Join the surfacers.", he ordered to his troops.

"Im sorry?", Reginald asked. "I believe I misheard you, my Lord. Did you just say to abandon you and join the surfacers?"

"You heard me. Join this man, and watch our duel."

The subordinates of Dubs were in shock, but Reagan readily skipped over to the side where the Lieutenant stood.

"Lady Reagan! You cannot mean to betray Lord Dubs!?", Sylvester shouted.

"Teehee! I was only using Dubs for assistance with my experiments, and it seems that the members of the surfacers have much greater knowledge and potential for me to research. I would rather not die here."

Reagan gave Dubs a crooked smile, and stuck her tongue out playfully.

"She understands my intentions...", Dubs thought, breathing a sigh of relief.

"There goes one!", The Lieutenant exclaimed.

"Do we have any other takers?"

Rilia walked over to the side of the Lieutenant.

"It seems you understand your place here, Rilia... It would be a shame to lose your ability."

The rest of the elves followed their queen, defeated.

"I had hoped we could escape this tyrannical place...", one thought.

The only ones remaining were the dwarves and the knights, who refused to budge.

"We will not betray you, Dubs! Even at your orders!", Drocai shouted. He looked like he was about to cry. He had finally found someone just to look up to, and now he was being told by that very person to leave his side.

"Why can't these guys get it through their thick heads that I'm trying to play out a strategy here... if they choose to go with the Lieutenant here, then if I lose they will not be killed, and if I win they will come back with me. There is no loss to them joining the other side!", Dubs thought.

"Alt, take over from here. While training these men you figured out how to control the bodies of others weaker than you, right?"

"Heh heh... I thought you'd never ask..."