
My name is Shiro.I am 18 years old former high schooler. My parents live in abroad. They don't care about me besides sending allowances. I literraly don't know about family life or love. I am 150 kg massive failure. I sell net products to gain more money. But i admit i am NEET. I dropped from my school and doing nothing. All i do is sell products, read manga and novels, play games and move my right hand.

Also i am virgin and like other otakus when i see couples especially boyfriends i always shout in my heart "Raijuu explode". I live in rental house. However there isn't a cute loli landlord or a mature landlord it's old baba. I am sick of this lifestyle. Truck-san where are you or god that drops vase.

Today I am watching new AV released by Maria Ozawa. I say not bad. Those things ahem. I leave rest to you guys.

- It's okay. But not the best. Hmm what is this some kind of misplug? Why my com is lagging?

Fucking bastard work. It is in peak.

God eventhough you didn't reincarnate me atl least help me for this situation.

And there goes smoke. Ugh fuck i just shocked by misplug. Ah my mind is blacking out. Is it reincarnation if not i am fucked up.