Swirling Clouds In Violet Haze

"The human mind is truly the scariest thing of all."


Chapter 3 | Swirling Clouds In Violet Haze

He held his bow in his bandaged hand, sweats soaked the fabric, Minho swallowed a hefty of his saliva, his heartbeats echoed in his eardrums as he watches his squadmates talk to people around the camp, they seemed so calm, but Minho doesn't feel the same, not especially when the little girl he saw earlier is following him around. He is now aware that the girl is just part of his hallucination, but his episodes do not take this long, it's been two straight hours since the little girl showed up. 

Minho inhaled, controlling his breathing because it shook every time he breathed. Knuckles who just came and sat next to Minho noticed Minho's uneven breaths. "Hyung, you okay?" The younger one asks, concerned that his hyung might explode again. Before Knuckles could talk, Minho stood up leaving the boy. "I'll go train," was all Minho could say as he ran towards the training area. 

The boy extended his arm as he created a long-shaft projectile of electricity, it zaps around his bow, the heat is bearable for the blonde boy, but not for the fabric around the boy's palm—the fabric steamed as it slowly catches on fire, Minho fires on the old oak tree, electrifying the trees nearby. 

       "Who are you?" Minho mutters, he peeked to see the little girl standing in front of him, her dress still soaked with blood, the skin on her stomach looks burnt, Minho cringes at the sight.

             "You tell me," was all the little girl could say. 

          "Right, you are just a hallucination, am I this lonely?" Minho chuckles, he caresses the weapon in hand, the carving is unique, yet he still feels nostalgic, the scent of the burning wood, filling Minho's nostrils. 

           "My first mission, I got this bow from a little girl, about your age, I don't remember her face though, could it be you?" The little girl shrugged. 

Minho and the little girl stood in the field for a little longer, Minho shooting arrows on the old oak tree, leaving the center of the tree bark into ashes, almost the same as the mark on the little girl's stomach. "It leaves such damage to objects," Minho could only sigh, as he clasped ash in the air, then cold air hit Minho's skin as it started drizzling.  

         "Time to go." Minho gripped his weapon and started walking. He felt a tug on his shirt as the boy turned around, the cool air hit Minho's face, thunderclap rumbled, it shook the trees, and the animals in the forest. 

                      "You left me to di—" 

It was the only thing Minho heard as lightning struck the boy in full charge. Minho groaned as the electricity ran through his veins. 


             "What was that for?" Minho furrowed his eyebrows as he saw his current state, however, what the little girl has said has gone back to the end of Minho's mind.

              "What the hell." Minho could only curse at what he's seeing, not only that he's immune to the lightning attacks, but he could see the electricity running through his veins. 

Minho shrugged thinking it must be another trick of his brain, he headed back to the bonfire, Luhan and a redhead—Yeong Hwan a.k.a Echo, the redhead waved at him. 

"Archer, bro!" Echo smacked Minho's back, making the frail boy tumble forward.

"That wasn't necessary, Echo," Minho said, massaging his back. 

         "So, we were talking about the glass-eyed chick that our noona Jae—Huntress mentioned before, and well, I don't think they'll be a danger to the camp." Echo grinned at Minho who's concerned about his current state. "You look, awful Archer." The redhead chuckled as he was about to give Minho another smack on the back, Minho dodged giving Echo a smug smile, making Echo snort. 

          "Good reflex, anyways, we sent one group to scout the areas, maybe check the nearby villages. If you want to scout, you can go with the others," Echo pointed at the group behind them—right, Ran Hyun a.k.a Crow, he's good at surveying areas, with the corvid manipulation he got, he's pretty reliable. 

Minho shrugged, as Echo smacked Luhan on the back too and left both Luhan and Minho sore. 

          "You do look awful, your hair is all over the place, what happened to you? Did you get hit by lightning or something?" Luhan said, patting Minho's hair into place. 

"I did, good call," Minho said, making Luhan chuckle, but the older then noticed Minho was being serious. 

"No way, you got hit by lightning? Was it you who got hit by lightning earlier at the field?" Luhan held his laughter. 

"I figured you'd say that," Minho said looking so disappointed at his hyung. 


         "Hey! Hey! Stop jumping on puddles! What are you seven?" Hwangmok Duri a.k.a Split knocked on his clone's head? 

         "We can't be playing in this situation, it might be dangerous, idiot!" One of Split's clones called out from behind. 

       "But, the puddles!" One of Duri's clones pointed at the puddle. "It's calling me!" 

     "We're close!" One of the black-haired scouts called out to the group, who had gone ahead, the forest was quiet for a moment, birds chirping in the background.

      "I spy with my little eye on something beginning with G!" One of Split's clones said, the other clones started to clutter around trying to find the object. 

      "Keep close! Don't wander around!" Cheol-Su a.k.a Colt M1860 shouted, "Something feels odd," he cocked his single-action revolver, the sound of the gun being cocked filled Cheol-Su's senses as red light slowly emitted from his right hand, heat discharges, enhancing his weapon. 

       "A Ghoul!" One of Duri's clones screamed pointing at the tarry physique of a Ghoul in front of the group. 

      "It's a pack!" One of the blue-haired scouts ran back to the squad in his supporting position. 

The group didn't budge, not a single soul breathed, as ghouls contained them. The ghoul's slick and slimy body gummed the soil, creating a nasty sound, their snarls and growls obstructing the empty spaces of silence. 

     "Yeoreum! You're up!." Colt M1860 instructed the pale-skinned scout, emitting light expanding a series of radiant energies, the ghouls were blinded, painful shrieks echoed through the pause.

Sweats drape their clothes, their blood races up their veins as their heart beats throttle like a horse. 

After the flash grenade had been released, the creatures were glued to the soil, delaying the beasts, but it wasn't enough—with that, they know light can only slow them down. 

Soon the creatures recovered, one of the creatures lunged directly at Cheol-Su tackling the boy, arms outstretched ready to claw out the boy's throat, it stunned everyone at how much force it took for the creature to plunge forward.

It attempted to chew off Cheol-Su's head, the creature's mouth odor made Cheol-Su gagged, as Duri's clones rode the ghoul and started pounding its slick body, it bucked like a bull performing. 

Instead of looking, what tackled Duri's clones, Cheol-Su attempted to save his head from being swallowed.

From Cheol-Su's peripheral vision he glimpsed Duri's clones that had been pinned down the ground. 

As another one of the clones fell who had been riding the creature, the kid heaves but had a smile on his face but was wiped when another ghoul came to claw the clone's throat, the thrashing feet kicked Cheol-Su in the face, wounding his nose and lips, Cheol-Su could only watch as the clone's life slips away. 

 Duri stiffened and watched his clones get devoured and torn apart.

      "You rascal!" Cheol-Su roared, thumping and kicking as the beasts' torso—the beast howled in pain as the boy's snickers kept slipping through its greasy body.

Cheol-Su heaves under the grasp of the beast, while his hand rummages for the slick cold metal but only yanking dirt. 

The boy didn't back down, with his left shoulder being held by the beast, Cheol-Su could only lift his right to shuffle on the dirt, his shoulder aches with every stretch he does, finally, he got a hold of his weapon's cold material. 

With only little flint powder left on the chamber, Cheol-Su gripped tight, cocking his single action, aiming it at the beast in front of him. 

He pulled the trigger, with his aching shoulder the revolver jerked backward.

Specks of flint and steam expanded before Cheol-Su's eyes, choking from the particle's fume.

After the shot the bolt went straight up the beast's torso, drilling a hole, it screeched in agony as parts of it dropped on the ground.

The boy's mouth twists in a wicked grin as he cock once again and shoots the beast between its eyes. 

His breath ragged from the pressure he's feeling under the beast's strong physique. They have to come back alive, to warn the camp about the recent tactics of the ghouls, the creatures come in packs, they've become smarter than ordinary.


Because a single gun on its head isn't enough to bring it down. With only five bolts left in the revolving cylinder, Cheol-Su had to shoot exactly where it hurts, with every cock of the weapon, the cylinder shifts, with every shot he makes flint's and steam explodes between Cheol-Su and the beast.  

Soon enough, the beast's body lays on the ground, scattered on the dirt like black tar. 

With no bolts left in his revolver, Cheol-Su scooped out his remaining flint powder and 6 bolts. Cheol-Su poured the measured flint into the chamber, inserting the bolt, pivoting the lever forward into the barrel, preparing the hammer for his next shot.

After he defeats the beast, Cheol-Su's shoulder aches from the pressure of the ghoul. The rusty taste of his blood from the kick earlier made Cheol-Su cringe. 

Distantly, he heard drastic shouts from Duri's, but these were disguised by blood thumping through his ears. 

Cheol-Su could only watch Split cradling his clone's carcasses in the blood bath.

Cheol-Su sprints and shakes Duri awake.

       "Wake the fuck up Split! It's just a clone, come and help me with that big bad guy." Cheol-Su nodded to the ghoul in front of them, its slick and slimy physique shining from Yeoreum emitted light, and it seemed displeased by the light. It looked smarter than the others. 

       "Get behind me, we don't know what this ghoul is capable of," Cheol-Su instructed, heat started to form in the older boy's palms as crimson energy spewed, with his single-action weapon in hand, he forged various materials to his revolver. 

Sweat trickles his forehead as the raging sound of his heartbeats echoes his eardrums, the monster can't wait out. Cheol-Su grunts in agony as his shoulder starts to get numb.

"Split, Hand me your rifle, I'll enhance it." Split discarded his weapon from his shoulder handling it to the older boy, the monster inches closer to the boys. 

At every step of the ghoul, Split flinches, the boy gripped on his rifle, every move of the beast his grip tightens.

        "Split! Listen to me, don't act recklessly, you listen to me and we will win against this beast." Cheol-Su instructed the boy whose feet had been glued to the ground, eyes not leaving contact with the beast, but as soon as Duri withdrew the ghoul launched first on Split, the boy sprayed bullets, eyes closed, the violent crack and thump of the selective-fire rifle echoed harshly. 

With the bullets fired, Cheol-Su only felt like a pebble had hit his shin; instead of pain, there was a burning and aggravating sensation in his leg. It didn't hurt him, which surprised him, it must have been from the shock. 

        "Split, calm the fuck down!" Cheol-Su could only scream at the terrified Split who laid on the ground, another batch of creatures about five in total including the injured big ass ghoul. 

       "Listen to me, don't go spraying your bullets like a maniac, you shot me on the leg!" Cheol-Su shouted while lying on the ground, veins popped out his forehead, as anger fumes.

        "We need a plan, these ghouls outnumbered us. We are short on fighters. So we can't expect help from the camp. You need to calm down and help me plan this out." Cheol-Su tore a part of his shirt, tying a knot on his wound. Duri on the other hand lay flat on the surface, keeping his breathing steady as the ghoul inches closer to them.

       "They—they won't launch all at once this time, I'm sure that big fella over there is their leader," Duri pointed at the bigger ghoul—the creature they injured before. 

       "Good, now that creature is missing some of its parts thanks to your death machine, I almost lost a leg." Colt M1860 said with a hint of sarcasm, Duri smirked at the older boy's remark. 

But as soon as Colt could shoot at one of the approaching creatures, the big one launched at Cheol-Su tackling the older boy once again, this time its claws grazed Cheol-Su's face. Its injuries didn't make it weaker but it sure did make it slower than usual. 

       "Colt, I have a plan!" Yeoreum shouted from behind Cheol-Su and Duri, but neither can they look directly at the boy since the light is still lit up. 

      "Hurry up!" Cheol-Su yelped as the beast tried to bite his head off, Colt struggled against the beast clutch, seeing the others also struggle from the creatures. 

This can't be. This can't be the end, there are too many of them! I still have to report back to the camp! I still have a duty to protect my members!

Cheol-Su screamed, startling the rest as he fought for his life. Beads of sweat, ragged breathing, and screams are the only things present in the scene. His knuckles cracked as they came into contact with the beast's jaw. 

      "I—I can't die!" Cheol-Su pushed the beast but it's no use, the tar monster started to liquify, gobbling up Cheol-Su's arm, but his trashing his body made the tar even harder to get out of. 

       "No. Way. Out." It startled Cheol-Su, it was the first time he heard a ghoul speak, it sent shivers to his spine as the creature devoured his body. 

             Can't—can't BREATHE! 

Cheol-Su teared up, his eardrums throbbing, the pressure of the fluid caused a stabbing pain into Cheol-Su's eyes and ears, trying to keep his head aloft when the raven black fluid oozed in his already tormented lungs.

Cheol-Su gasps as it's body seeps in the beast, with one last glimpse of his squad, he remembers his first mission with them, it was like this, but it is not the same as the situation now—because he's going to die this time. 

No help—he looks pathetic, helpless, and weak.

               "H-Help!" Was the only thing Cheol-Su could say as the creature swallowed him whole.

I—I can't breathe

This is unbearable

I'll die for sure

What a pathetic way to die

Help—I'm drowning...

           "BITCH! LET GO OF HIM NOW!" A scream from an unknown boy replenished the pathetic scene as chains of sparkling phantom disperse from the unknown savior's arm.

Burning the creatures to crust and ashes. 

        "WOAAAAAH! HOW DID YOU DO THAT? THAT'S SO FLASHY!" Duri popped from the unknown boy's back.

       "CAN I TOUCH IT! DOES IT FEEL HOT? DOES IT HURT?" Duri's voice beamed the place while Cheol-Su lay on the ground coughing.

      "BLECH! THAT TASTES BAD!" Colt coughed out dark tar. 

      "HYUNG! DID YOU SEE WHAT THIS GUY DID?! HE WAS LIKE 'BITCH! LET GO OF HIM!' THEN WHOOSH THERE GOES HIS FIREPOWER!" Duri sure is enthusiastic about the whole thing. 

      "Hey! No cursing!" Cheol-Su instructed. 

      "WHATEVER! BUT HAVE YOU SEEN SOMEONE WHO CAN CLONE?!" Duri showed off his ability to the dark-haired guy, as a series of himself lined up around the group.

     "Who are you?" The unknown guy asked sternly, a bit stoic, he glared at everyone somewhat curious of how the situation was unfolding in front of him.

     "Good question, but, tell me who you are first, you can whisper it to me if you ever feel shy—that guy over there does not need to know, I'll tell you a secret, I'm the main character here." Duri winked at the newcomer who was unbelievably uninterested.

     Cheol-Su limps over and smacks Duri's head. "My name's Colt, short for Colt M1860," The boy hissed in pain as Duri gently rubbed his sore head. Colt extended his hand to shake the newcomer's hand, with support from Yeoreum, one of the scouts. 

       "Are you clinically insane or incredibly annoying?" Cheol-Su whispered to Duri who was currently preoccupied, the pain on his shin made Colt uneasy.

       "Maybe, both?" Duri sticks out his tongue as he hops with his clones, like a bunch of grasshoppers on steroids.

     "I'm Duri!" Duri exclaimed, swatting Colt's extended hand away. Instead, Duri grabbed the newcomer's hand and shook it for him.

    "Red." Red looks down with a cold gaze on Duri, then on Colt. 

    "I see, anyway, thanks for earlier." Cheol-Su smiled. 

   "Um—yeah, thank you too."Yeoruem butted in with his hand raised. 

   "Right! It's so chaotic earlier, Cheol-Su hyung was crying for help." Duri burst out laughing while imitating his hyung. 

    "Come here," Cheol-Su gestured to Duri who ran away as far as possible from Colt.

   "Why?" Duri called out anxiously.

   "Just come here," Cheol-Su repeated.

Duri refused, shaking his head aggressively.                   

"No, you're gonna hit me."

After Yeoreum had bandaged Cheol-Su's wound, Cheol-Su instructed the scout to call for backup from the camp. When suddenly, Duri exclaimed, startling everyone. 

    "Your ability is super awesome!" Duri shouted, scooting over where Red is seated. 

    "Wanna join the club?" Duri nudged Red by the knee, with his eyebrows wiggling.

   "No thanks." Red refused, scooting away from Duri, but Duri followed. 

   "Come on, you have awesome power, just like mine! It's not flashy like yours, but I got an awesome quirk too!" Duri smiled at Red, hoping for the older boy to agree. 

   "Thanks for the offer, but I got places to go after this." Red insisted, giving Duri a weak smile. 

   "Oh, you got me wondering, why were you here in the first place?" Duri tilted his head. 

   "Shouldn't I be asking you that?" 

   "No, I think I should ask, since I have the authority to do so, I'm the main character remember?" Duri nudged Red on the ribs, making the older squint a little. Ticklish?

  "Whatever," Red rolls his eyes.

  "So, what is it? Where'd you come from?" Duri shoved the question again.

   "You really are pushy aren't you?" 

   "Damn right, I am." 

   "Say, I'll get you all back to safety, considering his state, you could be running down some ghouls on the way," Red offered, Cheol-Su and the others agreed right away, in the current state of the group, they are technically weak right now.

  "Really? You'd do that? You're so kind!" Duri hops next to Red with enthusiasm. 

   "Where have you headed anyways?" They all stood up from the bonfire they created earlier and started walking. 

    "Up north," Cheol-Su responded, pointing towards the front. 

Red nodded, "What a coincidence, it seems we're headed the same way," Duri beamed from behind the older boys. 

   "Great! Why don't you come with us on the way?" Duri suggested, again, Red sighed in response, his head throbbing as the boy touched his lower abdomen, touching a warm liquid as the pain struck, making his vision blurry, from the agony, yet the boy ignored it.

   "Hey, Red guy, why are you ignoring me?" Duri waved his arms in front of the older boy. 

     "Stop bothering him, Duri, he's offered us something good, and you pay him back with your loudmouth." Cheol-Su chided, making Duri frown. 

     The group journeys and none have encountered any more ghouls, lucky for them, since Ghouls are more active by nighttime. 

    "Hey! Look, we're close!" Duri exclaimed, startling the others. 

On the other side, Red has been wobbling on his feet ever since the start, he had ignored his wound on his lower abdomen, which was caused by a ghoul when he was on the hunt. His eyes flared with concern, anxiety, and frustration as he fell on his knees, surprising Duri and the rest. 


     After the group of Duri went to scout the area, Jae Hyo a.k.a Art short for Artemis was left silent, she nibbled my lips as she grabs her hunting knife, and Ji Yoonji a.k.a Banshee asks if she still needed to come with Art. 

The two went for the hunt and came back with a pair of fresh fish from the river. 

    "Look what we got here!" Echo butted in, his palm clasped together, drooling at the fishes. 

     "I ain't sharing, get your own." Art scowled at Echo who backed away from the two. 

    "Okay, sheesh, enjoy then." Echo left the scene, as Yoonji and Jae Hyo started cooking. 

    The chattering of the crowd from the bonfire filled Jae Hyo and Yoonji's background as they cooked silently. 

Suddenly, the wooden gates were clamored by a hurried and harsh knocking from outside, the others came to check, the camp was surprised by the comers' state, his shirt was torn and had scratches, the boy's eyes were full of terror as he blurted out. The others called for Luhan's presence as the terrified boy told the situation.

Jae Hyo and Yoonji were still cooking from the far edge of the camp where there was not much of the chattering and noise. 

Luhan on the other hand settled the crowd in front of him, as he threw instructions to the group. 

      "Calm down, we need a plan." Luhan shushed the clamoring crowd of teens. 

     "Kitsune bring Yeong Hwan also Jae Hyo and Yoonji  here or just tell them the situation." The leader appointed as Kitsune runs to call the others. 

Jae Hyo blows the white flaky part of the cooked fish when Kitsune shouted from behind the two. 

     "Huntress! Banshee! We have a situation, you both need to come right away." Kitsune stopped in front of the two who were eating the freshly cooked fish, Yoonji chewed looking at the huffing and tired Jungseok, who had his hands on both knees. 

     "Three questions, is it urgent? Why do they need us? Why would we care?" Jae Hyo asked as she chewed on the steaming cooked fish. 

     "Yes, it is urgent, Duri's group came and they were all injured. They—um need you, well apparently Luhan asked me to bring you two, but I don't know why, and why—would you care? What kind of question is that?" Kitsune answered most of the questions, Artemis shrugged and turned back, and continued eating. 

    "Hey, Huntress, the others were badly injured, aren't you gonna come?" Kitsune said, looking unimpressed at Jae Hyo's actions, Yoonji stood up next to Kitsune with her fish in hand. 

    "I am, just let me finish this. You two go ahead." Jae Hyo instructed the two as she finished up her meal. 

    "Sheesh, how can she bring the other fish?" Jae Hyo pouts as she cleans her fingers, savoring the taste of the fish. 

    As Jae Hyo arrived at the scene, the camp was so loud that she proceeded to the tent for the silence l, where the injured were treated. 

    Duri is being treated, his arms were all bandaged up and his cheeks are being treated with care, Yeoreum on the other side of the bed he had scratches all over his arms and leg, and also a harsh gush on his forehead. Jae Hyo snorted while witnessing Cheol-Su with his leg bandaged up. 

    "I heard outside that Duri here, shot your leg." Artemis snorted while Cheol-Su fake laughed.  

     "I didn't mean it! I already asked hyung for forgiveness, but he hasn't answered yet!" Duri on the other bed wailed. 

Luhan then approached Jae Hyo, looking unsure. "Yo, I heard from Kitsune that he had to answer three questions before he convinced you to come." Luhan scratched his nape. 

        "Well, we have a situation here, we are short of medics so we need you to take care of the stranger they brought to camp, he's inside that room." Luhan pointed at the room where the operation usually takes place. 

               Jae Hyo swallowed a big lump on her throat as she thought it's something so severe that they needed her help.

As she entered the space, taking a good look at her patient, her breathing seemed to stop between her throat as she gasped and tears began to swell up her eyes, seeing the only person she never thought of seeing again. 

     "No—um, how?" Tears threatened to fall, she sniffs as Jae Hyo inches closer to see that her patient—Lee Hyun Seo a.k.a Red is conscious, alive, and breathing in front of her. 

Series of questions started to clutter in Huntress' mind as her tears fell, she clasped her hands on her mouth, as her muffled cries showered the room. 

Jae Hyo sniffed and slapped her face. "We—we need to treat him first, Artemis." Art sanitized everything, as she looked at the deep gush on Red's lower abdomen, she started the operation.