19. Fight

They went at it till they were both exhausted and in need of rest. In the end as they came his thoughts were of her so wild and rapacious his claws dug into her back and she screamed. He was wounding her but Gloria being the woman she was found pleasure in this. Till her back was marked by him.

When they both came undone again and again with sighs and moans he looked at her, the beauty that was his mate, the one he made love to and he realized that he loved it and he thought of it as good but he just couldn't keep her as his. She too was going to leave he feared.

She didn't rest her head on his shoulders, she didn't play with the slippery hair on his chest like she wanted to. Instead she moved to the far end of the bed and closed her eyes.

He didn't speak to her and she didn't speak to him either. There thoughts were very far off. Now that they were no longer caught in pleasures web they were hit with the reality of the situation.

He watched her as her breathe steadied and when she turned away from him he wanted to kiss her, to touch her, to talk to her, or at least torment her but he found that he was incapable of doing any. His eyes closed putting an end to his tormenting thoughts as he drifted into oblivion. Just then hers opened.

Gloria looked over her back and the wounds and sighed. Her dress was ripped apart but her bra and pants still remained intact. "I'll have to escape naked then." She whispered to herself. It was better to leave naked than to stay with a man who just promised to break her.

Even though in her hearts of hearts she feared that she may no longer want to leave. But she couldn't stay, she just couldn't not when she didn't know for sure what or who he was.

She looked over at the man on the bed while she put on her bra and frowned. He was not human, she was human and unlike Bella she wanted a human to live the rest of her normal life with.

She didn't want to be food for anyone. This was not the kind of life she envisioned herself in and she must leave. She couldn't stay. Yes the pleasure he gave was good but it wasn't worth her life.

She stood up and found the door of his library open. She walked to it and peeping inside the room she saw a dagger made of silver which she presumed to be the only fatale weapon for wolves according to the movies she watched.

She rushed in to take the dagger and rushed out. She was getting out of here and God helps anyone who tried to stop her even the alpha.

She tiptoed to the window after accepting that logically going through the door was actually going to be more dangerous. Looking down there was a huge tree with it's branches spread out ready for her use.

The dangers of climbing the tree didn't scare her, the height didn't. Her father had thought her how to climb trees and although its been long she climbed a tree she never forgets a skill when acquired. It was getting caught that scared her.

She held on to the knife and cut two branches apart holding one firmly till she got to the trunk and then rolled down to the ground. She was right to have presumed here a fortress but she was going to leave either way. Fortress or not Gloria will not allow herself be the victim of an unknown being.

Her hands held the dagger like an expert she was in fighting. She walked in between trees till a big gigantic gate came into view. Gloria smiled n relief.

Her escape sent shivers down her spine, she didn't think that she was actually going to make it. In her excitement she didn't notice the man that walked in front of her wearing only pants there was a gun across his shoulder, his eyes were the colour of headlights too and he was heavily built.

"Who are you?" He interrogated now standing in front of her. She stopped on her tracks in between trees and watched him fiercely.