23. Come out

"There is a tunnel by the east wing we will get to the gate from there and when at the gate we can then find a way to leave. Only I and the alpha has any knowledge of the tunnel. There will be no one there." He took her hand and led her.

They walked briskly to the gate where he opened a secret door and led her through it. "Do you have a touch." Gloria whispered her eyes failing to adjust to the darkness. Jacob nodded his head even though she couldn't see him and brought out a translucent touch. It wasn't so bright but it was bright enough to prevent her from falling. She nodded in appreciation as they resumed walking.

She followed him both their hands intertwined, she knew he was just as afraid as she was maybe even more. She had more to lose if they were caught but it didn't change the fact that he still had a lot to lose. Hopefully none of them would get to lose anything. That's if the gods were with them, were the gods with them?

She dreaded this moment the very second he said it, the moment when she would pass through the arch into the claustrophobic dank that would be the tunnel.

The moment where she will be between life and death for her and her child. Her heart jumped at any slight movement both of insects or rain drops. She squeezed Jacobs hand reassuringly each time she felt scared as they walked slowly.

She suddenly saw something in the distance and pulled Jacob to a halt.

"Look there." She whispered harshly pointing at a light in the far end of the tunnel.

"Its nothing Gloria relax." But she didn't. She could feel the presence of something evil.

"Stay away or I'll mame you" She takes the touch from him and shines the beam high and low, near and into the distance, then she stands, grim faced. No one says anything and the light disappears.

"It belongs to the alpha that built this place a Milena ago. It's an art." Jacob told her. He took the touch from her. "Now keep calm! The danger is not in this tunnel but outside but if you don't keep calm then you will call danger in here. If danger comes in here we will never escape do you understand?!"

"Yes." Gloria whispered and nodded. She was almost at the brink of tears simply because she was being scolded this Gloria is a taboo she thought. Pregnancy was horrible to her.

She was now weak emotional and on edge something she detested before the pregnancy but it was good, it was. She had developed a love for the little one growing in her even if he was sucking the life away from her and turning her into a mere shadow of herself she was still in love with him. Very much even. It gave her the will to live, to fight. She still couldn't shake off the feeling though, that something had been here earlier ghost of some sort or maybe a witch.

"We are at the end of the tunnel. " Jacob Informed her dropping his bag down. He gave her the touch and skillfully removed a brick from the wall. He pressed a button and the wall gave way to reveal light. Moonlight. Moon light Gloria thought again.