85. Fear

When her breathing steadied she started to struggle against his arm but even if he was lean with few muscles he was far much stronger than her. He was always so strong.

He used his left hand to stop the car then he put the key in his pocket while she still struggled against him her head buried in the crook of his neck.

He finally let her go after he had succeeded in his plan and she moved away from him resting her head on the window. She rushed air into her lungs continuously taking deep breathes. She could feel his eyes on her and when his intense stare became unbearable her eyes flew open.

"What the hell did you just do!" She yelled gritting her teeth.

"I want to be with you before you go so I stopped the car. Why can't I? Please let me." He pleaded, he started playing with his fingers and he looked away from her to the road.

She could see the tears that pricked his eyes and her heart softened. He looked so sad. "I'm sorry I was not thinking straight you can take me to school If you want to. I just_ I just need to be with you before you leave."

"I want to spend time with you too." She whispered. A smile crept up her face and she held his hands in hers urging him to look at her. When he did the happiness in his eyes made her heart want to jump out from her chest.

His green eyes were so bright she almost got lost in it. Unlike her blue eyes his were no ordinary eyes. His blonde hair was packed and his smile accentuated his high cheekbones.

"Then you won't mind if I do this." He laughed. He opened the passenger door and jumped out, and without sparing her a glance he ran to the hotel. She ran after him feeling so happy and lighthearted.

The security men watched them with a smile on their face. They looked so harmless they didn't mind letting them go in. After all they couldn't enter into the hotel with any weapons courtesy of the highly improved technological door.

She wanted to ask where he was going but it was a stupid question seeing that they just ran into a massive hotel. She wondered what the security men thought about them.

Lucky enough for her they would think that they were love struck couples. Hopefully they didn't ask for ID even though she doubted the possibility of that seeing that the hotel was so huge. She was worried what if they suspected that Josh was an underage.

She quickly let her worry slide when she remembered that Josh did not look like an underage in the least he looked over 20. His eyes were so sharp and even though he was Lean and had this innocent look when he fell his hair when he packed it like he did today he looked rugged.

She used to call him a chameleon for his ability to switch looks whenever he styled his had differently.

That must be why he never cut it, his hair reached his shoulders and he still insisted that he wasn't going to cut it no matter how many times his parents scolded him about it. He said his hair was his mask and now Indeed she was beginning to agree with him.

Casting her worries entirely she ran into the hotel feeling so overjoyed like a 6 year old baby. That's what Josh did to her he made her feel young.