89. Ambitious

For someone as ambitious as Lora the salary was just peanuts and she was in fact allergic to nuts. She wanted to have her own Mercedes and driver. She wanted her own condo and a wardrobe filled up with shoes and bags of different designs.

She was just so unsatisfied with her salary, furious In fact, she was convinced that she deserved more, she wanted more although what she had was considered more than enough to a less ambitious people. Her boss did justice to her in regards to her salary. L because he admired the good job she did.

But Lora wasn't a less ambitious person.

With the realization that she could get more Lora thought of a plan to get exactly that, more. She wanted more than Gloria had, she wanted to be better than Gloria was.

Gloria knew this, it was no secret that Lora saw her as a competition but she didn't find it offensive, she in fact didn't mind. It was not her business who Lora chose to compete with be it her or any other person. If it motivated her to be a better version of herself then she didn't mind.

Gloria knew Lora more than anyone did, she knew that although Lora wasn't all that good she still had some good in her and sometimes she liked to create illusions to make her feel less evil than she was.

Illusions that made her feel like a better person. Gloria did not support her having these illusions and tried to talk her out of them but there was only so much influence she had on Lora.

Lora would convince herself that she was going through with the not so good plans she thought about just for her family, to make them live the life they deserved and to take her family off from poverty to the beauty of wealth.

But deep in her heart where her mind doesn't interfere or cloud it's judgment, she knew that she was in fact doing everything for herself. Lora loved to play games, she loved the danger and the adrenaline rush she got from doing something immoral.

You know what that's what people say when they want to do something unworthy but don't want it to look unworthy "I am not doing it for myself but for my family". Plain Bullshit.

Do you know that their are some very few people blessed with the capabilities of being sinners. Some people who do not have to work hard to be devious for they already possess the qualities of deviousness in them, they already had it in them and a perfect example was lora.

She was a fine tempter and a dangerous seducer, she was all the devil needed in a demon but she was human fortunately.

She knew the power she held, she was as sure of herself as we are sure that the sun will set in the morning. When lora looked in the mirror she saw the most beautiful girl ever and she may not be far from the truth. She would say, "Mirror, Mirror who is the fairest of them all." And she would answer herself, "Lora. I am the fairest of them all, fairer than Gloria. It doesn't matter of most of the guys like her more, I am fairer."

She was beautiful and knowing this she knew just what she could do with her sexual talent, alluring beauty and sweet confidence. She was going to take over the law firm where she worked. After all, Lora was never one to receive orders but one to give them.

To achieve this devious plan she had to eliminate all possible threats and her number one threat was her Boss the CEO. The problem became the how, how was she going to eliminate her boss.

As you well know the problem isn't always in coming up with a plan, the problem most times became,  how will the plan be carried out. This is what I like to call methods of achievement.

Lora was everything but she was not a killer, at least not yet so she couldn't possibly kill her boss and besides Lora hated complications. She was well aware that complications obstructed the steady flow of the game. So killing was a no no.

She dared not do anything to obstruct the flow of the game, whatever her plan was going to be she was to make sure that it was going to flow with the game. Because the game must go on