Part 2

After that, James showed his work, all his friends could not wait to see James's experiment. There was someone from the central lab who brought the crocodile to him who was placed in the cage. Then James injects something into a wild crocodile. Then the crocodile was greener, and after that somehow the crocodile became a bit ridiculous like a masked character who smiled and sounded like a dog. But after that the crocodile became a wild crocodile again. James was very surprised at the work that suddenly failed like that. The lecturer scolded him and sent him out, his classmates always laughed at him.

When James was sad, he had the habit of going to school and seeing every lab there. He has a special interest with laboratories, whatever.

Suddenly, she remembered Sis Daniel. She intends to visit her makmalnya. But it seems that Daniel's Sis is not there. He was surprised that he heard the derogation from Daniel's office. He only thought that he was the experimental tiger Daniel's tiger.

When he wanted to get out of the lab, he heard another voice, but this was different. It's a girl's voice.

"Shhh, what are you doing here?" Whispered the girl James did not see.

"Who are you? Get out!" Answered James with a panic. Then there is the hand of someone holding his mouth and his eyes then dragging him back. James was so panicked that the man released him.

"I do not intend to make you sick Do not think if I'm Jeff, that's a killer Kenalin, I'm Rasti, his brother ..." The girl suddenly became friendly and introduced himself to James. However, James cut him down the road.

"Sister Sis Daniel is right? I know a lot about you from him. In this way, where is your sister?"

"It turns out I'm well known, hehehe, just calm down, now he goes to the Science exhibition at the next university here where I whisper something." Then Rasti whispered something.

"I want to show you something, awesome monster hahaha." Rasti whispered in the scary voice of James.

Then Rasti pulled James's hand behind Daniel's Sis. And you know what Rasti pointed to James? That is three people placed in a special cage that looks like a clear, but clear glass box.

"Taraa! Here's what I want to show you." With a cheerful expression and an emotional Rasti voice pointing to James.

"Why ... I ... re ... do you like lions? They move ... Sis, me ... na ... um?" James felt a little surprised and surprised that he spoke silently.

"He is a man who is considered a masterpiece by my brother, they are designed for world war later he said ... hahaha but I do not believe it." I hate it. "Rasti suddenly became a bit scared and hid behind behind James.

"Huh? Creator  Daniel? But why can he do this brutal?"

"Since childhood, he has an ambition to take revenge on our father who died as a soldier, he wants to make people brave and fierce as a Lion so they can knock down his legacy and you know all three are my family. what I have to do. "Rasti told him what had actually happened until his tears broke. He looks like a madman whose mood changes accidentally. James could only mock him.

"I have to tell everyone about this! Come on, come with me!

"No! First of all I'm here to keep them."

James ran anxiously. He screamed all the way "We are in danger! There is a lion's man's trial!" He approached everybody and said with a breath. Many just laughed at him. Until finally he entered his class and assured everyone.

"Sir! I'm sorry ... huuftt ... my huufft ... and ... bro. There's a tiger man. You have to play ... no!"

"This kid! Why are you back here! Use false news again!" The lecturer was very angry and yelled at James.

"Is this a joke, huh?" Ask James's friends with a laugh. The only silence heard James's conversation was Niken. He seriously sees James arguing.

"They are in the central biology laboratory! Quickly before they get away!"

"Hahaha! There are so many lions there! This is the first time you see a lion?"

"It's up to you, I'll re-confirm the situation! Stay here and take care of yourself!"

"Hah, maybe the ambition to become a FBI member is not obedient ... the children are basics, autistic uh." The lecturer talked casually.