
Riding the bus for nearly half an hour they finally reached the nearby town. After dropping by at the bus station, Archer followed Bill towards a muggle bank. Unlike the muggles, both of them walked towards the other entrance, which according to Bill was enchanted so only a wizard could see it.

They walked towards one of the free Goblins as Bill took out a passport like item and handed it to the Goblin. The Goblin read through the identification Bill gave, which contained all the information on Bill regarding his job as a curse-breaker, who worked for Gringotts. Nodding the Goblin gave back the book as he looked at Archer with a questioning look.

"He's with me." Bill said.

The Goblin nodded and passed a key to Bill. "Room no.269, fifth floor."

"What was that all about?" Archer asked.

"We are foreign to them." Bill replied, "So they still treat us like strangers even after we have shown them our identifications. Honestly, I feel like they are the bitterest Goblins around due to all the MACUSA laws, they don't really have much freedom here compared to any other country."

Archer nodded as they finally reached their room. The room only had two separate beds and nothing else. So it was much worse than a hotel room but Archer couldn't complain as he had stayed in worse places before.

"So how long do you think this is going to take?" Bill asked Archer.

"I don't know." Archer shrugged, "The first time it happened it took nearly a month for mom to come back and the second time it took only a day so I can't really be sure."

Bill sighed as he crashed on his bed, "I should have just stayed back in Egypt." he mumbled to himself.

Archer too settled his bag and laid on his bed as he was a bit too tired from all the excitement and running around he did. Laying back he felt something in his pocket poking him, so he took it out. It was the Chocolate Frog card that he had gotten today of Albus Dumbledore, a bit bent here and there due to it being in his pocket the whole time.

"Hey, Bill!" Archer called out, "Do you know anyone by the name of Nicolas Flamel?"

"Flamel, you mean the Alchemist?" Bill said as he looked back at him, "Haven't you met him before?"

"Met him?" Archer tried to remember but he couldn't really point it out as he had met a lot of people ever since he was reborn, "Have you?"

"Of course not." Bill shook his head, "But I do think you should've, considering your mother takes you everywhere with her. I heard he attended one of the auctions years ago that we hold every year and he bought a lot of treasure from your mother, the one which she discovered when you and she traveled to Nepal."

"You mean that skeletony-Old man?" Archer asked finally remembering a little, though he didn't really know the man was Nicolas-Flame at the time.

"Skeletony might just be the right word." Bill chuckled, "But the man has been around for ages, One can't expect him to look young forever."

"Isn't he like a hundred?"

"More like six-hundred," Bill said, "The philosopher stone is truly an amazing thing. I mean the guy is basically immortal."

'Philosopher stone..." Archer mumbled as his eyes suddenly grew brighter, "No wonder..."

"What is it?"

"Do you think they will let us access their library?"

"They should as long as I have this key." Bill replied, "What is going on?"

"I will tell you when I get back." Archer snatched the key from Bill's hand and rushed out searching for a library, running here and there he finally met a house-elf on the way to which he asked for direction and within a couple of minutes he finally found it.


"I knew it," Archer mumbled to himself, he knew he heard the name Nicolas Flamel before, though it wasn't exactly in this world but back in his real world where he certainly had heard about him and the Philosopher stone and furthermore things finally started making sense.

Without looking around he took out a normal pen from one of his pockets, as he wrote three words on side of the book he was reading,




Both Ouroboros and Grail represented a common thing that was immortality and Aurum represented Gold. The only thing that matched all these three things was the Philosopher's stone. The philosopher stone, an item that was a huge leap in alchemy. An Item of intense magical power, the stone could do two things, turn any metal to gold and create Elixir of life, which granted one immortality. Two of which correlated with all the clues he had found over the years.

Though it was just a mere gut-feeling, Archer was sure that this particular stone was the answer he had been looking for. The answer to solving the mystery of the stone tablet.

Archer looked around and seeing no one was looking tore the page of the book he was currently reading and put it in his pocket as he got out of the library and headed back to his room.

To his surprise, there were some people in the room who were discussing something. Archer treaded carefully until he heard a very familiar voice.

"Mom!" He called out as he rushed in towards Patricia hugging her.

Patricia returned the hug as she got on her knees, smiling at him. "That went better than you thought, didn't it?"

"I thought you'll be gone for some time." Archer said nodding, "What made you come back so quick?"

"I would've been gone for long but luckily our headquarter just so happens to be this place." Patricia replied, "So I can luckily be here with you."

Archer nodded as he looked around at all the people in the room looking at him with a smile. Archer felt quite embarrassed as he had finally snapped out of his state of happiness, as he couldn't look back at the people again.

"The meeting will continue at 8." Patricia said returning back to her strict tone as she looked at her men, "Be there on time."

"Yes, Madam Rakepick." The curse-breakers nodded and left the room leaving them be.

"I didn't know Madam could show such emotions." One of the wizards in the group said as they left

"Only for her child that is." A witch replied, "But better not bring it up in front of her if you value your life and job."

The wizard gulped not looking back anymore as he walked stiffly causing the other wizards and witches nearby to giggle.

"So where were you?" Patricia asked Archer as they were the only ones left in the room.

"Mom, you wouldn't believe me," Archer said handing the page he just ripped out to Patricia, "I finally found the clue to my treasure."

"The Philosopher's stone?" Patricia asked as she looked at the page carefully.

"Yes, that's the thing." Archer said with excitement, "I know you know the Nicolas Flamel guy, so can you call in a favor or something to borrow the stone from him. I know what the stone is worth, so I don't even need to take it away from him. I just want to try whether it works with my theory or not."

"Okay! Calm down first." Patricia said rubbing her eyebrows, "I'll have people look into it, so just calm down now will you."

Archer nodded happily as he casually asked, "So what really happened with the Alliance?"

"Did that Weasly brat tell you?" Patricia frowned.

"I am old enough to know these things." Archer said getting a bit upset at her reaction, "You can at least share some of your burdens with me."

"There will be a time where you will but that time isn't here yet." Patricia said messing his hair again, "First you'll need to at least complete your school. Then I'll leave all my burdens for you to handle."