
skye is in south korea now because his father told him to come to korea and learn korean and their culture. So know skye is going to his villa in 'gangnam-gu'. When he is at home his servants came to greet him

"Welcome back second young master" all of them said. He has 4maids, 1butler, 1 chauffeur, 5 security guards, 2body guards, I chef and 1 Gardner.

He just nod's at them and head inside. He went to his room to shower and since he doesn't have class for the rest of the day he figured he could just ride around the city.

After dressing up he enters his sports car and rode off


Aurora also called Olola in korean is a village girl whose not too ugly and also not a peerless beauty just above average. Her parents owe money to a mafia boss and they didn't pay their debt. So he killed them. He didn't know about aurora or else he would have killed her too.

Her distant relative uncle mark took her as his adopted child because there's no one to take care of her. He has a step son called marko and a step daughter called elsa. They are both the same age as her, they hate her to the bone because if their father dies she will also inherit the money. He is a business man and is also rich but not that rich to be one of the four elite families in the country.

Whenever uncle mark or her father is not around the beat the sh*t out of her and everytime she ends up at the hospital. the servants pitied her but they can't do anything about it. Life is cruel to her that everyday she cried until she falls asleep because she

misses her parents

One day their father went to Japan for a business trip and died in a plane crash after elsa and marko heard about the news they were slightly sad but inside they're celebrating with joy

" Brother we shouldn't let that aurora go so easily. she will take a share of the money" said elsa

" are right we shouldn't let her go" marko said as his face darkens when he thought of beating her up. she is literary their punching bag

" So what should we do. We can't kill her they are many witnesses in the house and if we're arrested the money will go to charity or an orphanage" " We should beat her up. Take her to the torture room we created just for her this time i want to beat her so badly that she will faint"

and they did that, they took her away and beat her up so badly that she fainted. but she will never wake up because she is DEAD!!!!!