
Aurora was in a room full of gadgets that look really painful. she was lying in her own pool of blood. her mouth was full of blood.


Wu tan country. The kingdom is in chaos because of the demons that are attacking them. Hundred and thousand of demons are trying to break the gate to wu tan country.

This is a different continent in the galaxy. A different universe and a different world

" Your Majesty the demon lord is the one leading the demons, what should we do" A servant with a freighting expression said

"Get all of the civilians out of the country through the dark forest. here use this enchanted ring it will help u escape without being attacked by divine and celestial beast"

"But your majesty what about you". " I have to fight for my own country, what kind of emperor would i be if i don't protect my people. Now get out of here before they come inside the country".

" YOU MAJESTY PRINCESS HAS GONE TO FIGHT THE DEMONS" A guard came stumbling and shouting at the same time.

"WHAT!!!!" The emperor's face immediately paled his only daughter is going to chase death her self. He has two children his daughter is mulan 19 years old and his son 14 years old.

The emperor immediately came to the balcony to see what was going to happen to his daughter. He is helpless because she has already sneaked out and is already on a rock going to challenge them.

one person against hundred and thousands of demons!

On a rock you can see a girl who's a peerless beauty with long white hair and emerald eyes that are as bright as the galaxy it self even tho she is going to die she is still lively.

" Demon lord if you want to get to my kingdom you have to go through me" said mulan

the demon lord who's on a demonic dragon laugh evilly " think that I'm scared of a little girl like you"

"Hmph don't judge a person by its appearance or size" she then cast a spell and then a white fox with nine tails appeared and cast the spell with her. The fox is her celestial beast which she made a life and death contract

" She is going to explode" said one of the demons and the mulan turn toward her kingdom and then she made a small sad smile on her face

" BOOMMM" she exploded along with the demons and the demon lord and she save her family and her kingdom from a bloody war