Marko and elsa came back to the room to wake her up and keep beating her up. They were carrying buckets of water and then they splashed it all over Aurora a.k.a mulan. Seeing no movement they kicked her but still nothing
" Oh no brother did we kill her. we are going to jail. Boohoo i won't get my money" cried elsa
"i think she is just pretending let me match that ugly face of hers"
He raised his foot and when it was inches away from her face she opened her eyes but something is different now, she looks fierce and confident also dangerous with that emerald green eyes of hers
When she looked at him he was bewitched by her beautiful eyes
'how come I've never noticed this eyes of hers its so alluring and beautiful' all of this only took 3 sec before she grabs his legs and threw him across the room like a pillow and was dead because he was thrown on a sharp and pointed gadget with things like swords on the end and then it pierced through his heart
seeing this elsa was frightening and said " A...Aurora are u're so powerful" she was shivering while saying all of this
Aurora looked at her and said " my dear sister I'm just returning an eye for an eye and he kicked me so I'm returning him a leg isn't that fair" she smiled but that smiled sent shivers down elsa's spine
" don't come any closer " Aurora picked a pointed and sharp gear and said " Hmm...u used this thing on me with your own hands before right well let me return the favour"she was still smiling
"hmm...but it will still be too easy. Pica are you there" suddenly a voice answered her " I'm here master" and then a white fox with nine tails appeared.
" much energy do u have". " 500% master"." That much have u been over eating again. anyways how much would it take to burn them alive" she was talking in her mind so elsa didn't know what was happening. Mulan carried her as if she's a sack of cotton and traped her in her own gadget
" How...How dare you" she shouts with anger in her eyes
Mulan ignored her." Master since u can't use your powers because half of your soul is destroyed but now that you merged with this soul you are your powers are transmitted inside my body instead so now i can kill them 5times faster and stronger"
Aurora's face brightened" well hurry use level 7 flame and destroy them little by little so that the can suffer and if they faint froze them.
She is a fire element while her fox is a ice element they work together perfectly and the levels of fire is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
and their colours are red, pink, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple.puple is the strongest and also the most painful fire of.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" you can hear screams from inside the room but no one would come to their rescue because the room is sound proof.After half and hour later u can smell burning flesh inside the room it was so suffocating. their bodies burn until they become ashes and then aurora was satisfied she felt as if her body weight has been lifted
and then she heard a small but soft voice close to her ear
" Thank you" before the voice completely disappeared
" your welcome" said mulan as she smiled and keep walking