What just happened

"okay where is the address" Skye asked as the car started moving

"Um... Hotel dreamland" Mulan said while she averted her eyes, looking everywhere in the car except the area where Skye was sitting at. She was holding her hands together as her face started turning red.

Skye pressed his lips together before he said teasingly " Hotel what?" Skye gave her his full attention as he looked at her with a smirk.

When Mulan looks at him, her face turned into a deeper shade of red. He was teasing her.

"Um... T-that hotel that says dreamland in French" She said as she averted her gaze again while biting her lower lip.

"So... You know how to translate it into Korean but you can't say it in French" Skye said before he smiled. He was having so much fun teasing her and he doesn't want it to end.

"Um... Its spelt as umm... P a y s d e r e v e"

Skye laughed softly at her cute actions before he said " Your French is terrible. You should go home and practice"

Mulan looks at him, she was just looking at him laughing. His laughter was like a sweet melody that makes anyone who hears it to become enchanted by it.

she pouted cutely when she remembered what he said " you're also bad at Korean"

Skye looks at her, feeling amused. He said with a chuckle " Then what language am I speaking to you with!"

Mulan became silent, she doesn't want to talk to him anymore. His laughter will only deepened if she continues to talk to him. She will become his amusement

Seeing her like that, Skye laughed cutely before he Said " Sorry... I was just messing with you. But it's pronounced as Pays de reve but you translated it correctly"

The middle aged driver was feeling his face burning. He couldn't believe it. His second young master is actually this close with a woman and from the looks of it, they're more than just friends. The driver kept this new discovery about his second young master to himself. He doesn't want any trouble with him.

The car finally stopped because they've reached their destination and the driver heaved a deep sigh of relief. He has had enough of the dog food they've been serving him throughout the drive.

Mulan wanted to know how to thank a person properly so she asked pica for help

' Pica how do you say goodbye politely'

Pica who was listening to her just scratched her fur. She wanted to say 'just say goodbye' when she thought of something which made a mischievous smile to form on her face but she doesn't look cute at all in fact she looks like a monster ready to create some mayhem.

' A kiss on the cheeks is a way to say goodbye politely' Mulan looks at pica innocently. Is this how this world works? But even though she find it weird she was still going to do it.

Skye who was oblivious to what she's about to do turns his head towards her to say goodbye when he felt something soft of his lips. When he saw what happened, he froze.

Mulan was aiming for his cheeks but she ended up kissing him on the lips.

Her eyes widen from the shock, this was not what she was planning to do. She saw Skye's face turning red with every passing second. She turned beet red as she break the kiss. She looks at him with her tomato face as she said "S---sorry. I--I J-just w-wanted t-to k-ki-kiss your cheeks to say goodbye"

The chauffeur was now completely red. His poor heart couldn't take anymore so he blocked his ears with his fingers.

Skye Averted his gaze and looked out of the window as she said while shuddering "I--It's Okay"

The chauffeur was too busy covering his ears that he forgot to open the door for Mulan so she opened it herself. The moment she stepped out of the door, she heard pica laughing as she showed her sharp pointy teeth. Mulan covered her mouth as she finds her annoying. She walked fast and before Skye even reacted, she already slipped away. She's nowhere to be seen.

The chauffeur heard the door closed so he removed his fingers as he said " Second Young Master, S-Shall we go?"

But Skye didn't listen to him. He was looking at the entrance of the hotel that Mulan just entered. He was looking at the place with a bewildered expression as he said unconsciously " What... Just...happened"