5 years later!

It was early in the morning, the beautiful birds are chirping and a soft and cool breeze entered Skye's room because the balcony door is open. He woke up from the sound of the birds singing happily, he turns his head to his side and saw milo sleeping. He stood up and walked to his bathroom, a few minutes later, he came out and entered his closet. He got dressed and head downstairs leaving milo in his room.

He went downstairs and he saw his sister with his elder brother playing on the Play station, it was a Saturday. His brother was drinking a cup of coffee as he kills his sister without even trying.

"Morning!" Skye said with a smile, he was looking at the TV as his elder brother crush his baby sister

"Morning lil bro"

"Morning Brother"

They said without even looking at their brother. Kylie looks at her elder brother with her eyes watering, he looks at her even though he didn't want to and he got distracted. His little sister crushed him the second he looks away.

"Yay!! I won!"

"You cheated!"

"But I still won! Haha!!!"

Skye rolled his eyes and shakes his head a little, he entered the kitchen and saw one of their chefs, aunt Dee cooking as she greeted him. It was ten in the morning so skye asked for her awesome cup of tea, she smiled at him and started making him her famous tea.

" Thanks aunt Dee" Skye said with a smile

"No problem Dear!" She also returned a sweet smile to him as she said

Skye smiled at her before he went back to the living room. The butler came with his cup of tea, minutes later and he smiled at him and Said thank you.

His brother drop down the PlayStation controller as he looks at his brother

"Are you not going back to school?"

"Yep. not going!" Liam didn't push him any further, his little brother is a pure genius, a genius among geniuses. He would've graduated from the University at the age of eighteen but he waited until he was twenty years old even when he hates going to school.

" Join me in the company then. You can take care of the other company and become the Ceo"

"No thank you!"


"If I'm becoming a ceo then I must become the best racer first, I must break the world record of car racing and then I will join the company"

"Okay. Just keep your word!"

"Always do, brother!"


5 Years later

A majestic being was sitting on a leather chair seat that was behind a table. The person on the leather seat was sitting proud with his head raised high, like an emperor. His ancle was on his other leg making him look domineering and arrogant. He has long and thick eyelashes, red bloody thick sexy and kissable lips, a sharp nose, beautiful and bright eyes that has a combination of purple and blue, black glossy and soft hair, thick and beautiful eyebrows and a handsome face and 6'3 inches in height.

Skye was looking at the person in front of him as he peeled the red apple on his hand with a pocket knife. He looks at the woman in his office that was sitting on the black leather sofa looking at him, he looks at her with a cold smile on his face as the woman shivered under his cold gaze.

"What do you want?!" He asked in a cold voice, making the girl to shiver in fear.

"I...i want to offer you my body if you let my brother go!" This girl is none other than Renita or Ren Ren. The smile on skye widened, he dropped his apple on the table as he stood up, he walks towards her with his pocket knife on one hand and his hand other hand in his pocket. He pinned her against the leather sofa as he smirks.

" Your body?"He said seductively, Renita nods her head as she felt her cheeks flushed. His voice is so sexy as soft that any girl will sacrifice anything just to be with him.

Skye's eyes turned cold and a look of disgust flashed in his eyes; he used the pocket knife in his hand and cut her cheeks deep.

She held her cheek with her hand as tears started running down her face.

"You make me sick!" Skye said as he threw away the pocket knife into the dustbin.

"Why... Why are you doing this to me. You killed my parents, you held my brother captive and now your torturing me. Why are you doing this?"

"You brought this upon yourself. You really disgust me, leave my office before I throw you out!"

She cried hard as she held her bloody cheek, she changed him for the worst, this is all her fault. She dragged her body and as she walks to the door, she was about to open it when someone opened it.

It was Kylie, skye's sister with the world's most adorable kid ever, holding her hands. Kylie glared at Renita and said "What the hell are you doing here, b*tch"

"Language!" Skye said as he looks at the kid that runs towards him, he carried him in his arms "Daddy!" The boy said happily not even looking at the woman in his office.

Skye just smiled at him and kissed his cheek, he turns soft and warm the moment the cute five year old kid entered his office. He looks at his twenty four year old sister who was aiming daggers at the girl in front of her.

"I... I'm here to see skye"

"Who gave you permission to call my brother by his name! And who is the one that let you in this company! I want to fire that person!!" Skye felt quite amused, his sister is as sweet as candy but also as feisty as a tiger with claws, he puts the cute little boy on his lap, he continues to peel the apple that he was holding when he fished for another pocket knife in one of the drawers of his table, After he finished he gave the boy on his lap the apple and the boy accepted it happily.

"Get out! And never come back to this company ever again! You know what, leave the country because I swear If I saw you ever again, I will destroy you!" Renita left with fast steps as she felt scared, Kylie is really scary once she's angry.

Skye suddenly chuckled as he asked "What brings you here?!"

Kylie looks at her brother with a sweet smile "Can't I visit my stone cold brother!"

"I'm asking you one more time, what brings you here. I know you hate coming to the company because you find it boring so don't lie to me!" Skye raised his brows and looks at his sister then to the cute boy eating the apple happily.

"Okay...okay fine"

"We're going to a banquet tonight and dad asked me to convince you to come!"

"A room full of b*tchy and disgusting women, No thank you!"

"But... Mom said I should drag you even if you said no. Please brother, come. You've been wasting your life here, just doing work, I've miss seeing you smile genuinely and miss seeing you laugh and just enjoying the world. Please for me, please!"

"Daddy I will go too! So will you come with me, please!!"

Skye looks at the boy on this lap and then to his sister, they're both killing him at the same time so he raised his hands in the air in surrender as he said "Fine!"

"Yay!!" the murderers both clapped their hands and smiled, skye looks at his sister and said "Act your age!"

"What? I'm twenty four years old so I am acting my age!"

Skye rolls his eyes at his sister.