In A Novel

Al blinked at me for a moment, not comprehending what I had said. "Pardon?"

I repeated myself. "What if I wasn't from Annalaias? What would you think of me?"

He stared at me in silence for a few minutes. "…I would say it made sense. You are different than anyone else here. But I would also say it didn't make sense because you are definitely the daughter of the earl and countess of du Pont."

This was true. Unlike in Al's situation, the du Ponts treated me like family. I looked like them. There was no doubt I was a part of their family. Technically, I was but only in body.

I was Schrödinger's girl. Dead and not dead. Catherine du Pont and not Catherine du Pont. Catherine in body and Katie in spirit. Would he believe me if I told him the truth? What could I say to convince him that I wasn't crazy?

"Would you believe me if I said both were true?" I asked lightly.