Ask Me Anything

Sleeping in a makeshift tent without a sleeping bag wasn't terribly fun. Abby was the only woman in the caravan so she slept alone but Blaise didn't entirely trust the traders so he set up his bedroll right in front of tent opening.

He said it would prevent any of the traders from getting any ideas. She couldn't argue with him and decided to let it go. He certainly was the chivalrous sort even if he was overly suspicious of others.

Riding in the bumpy wagon for another day was murder on her poor tailbone but she dealt with it. At least Blaise was talking to her again. She finally remembered to ask him how old he was after they had been on the road for a couple hours.

He blinked at her in surprise. "I am twenty years old. Why do you ask?"

Only twenty?! He seemed so much older! Not because of his face but because of the way he spoke and carried himself. Abby was twenty-three but she felt way less mature than this younger guy.