Fall for Esrin

Imagine my life being hold on by my dad. He is so strict that he doesn't want me to have boyfriends, go out and shop, hang out with friends. He said he was afraid that I may keep secrets again and always say its all for me. I know whats good or bad. But my dad always insist that Im doing wrong. I was also insulted at home by my sisters, half-sisters I should say and my mom is not always around so yeah this time, I had thirst for freedom, love and attention. This led me to a brand new life.

*Father: Esrin, as you know we don't have any College or Universities here at our town so you will have to enroll on Adrelliana University that is 2 hours away from here. I want you to be successful. I will not be there for you this time so please behave until you graduate.

*H. sister: (whispers) you are free now hihihi do whatever you want. Don't even come back if you want.

My half sister's words entered my brain and made me realize that I will get my freedom that I have always wanted after a few days. I never have been excited my whole life. I can do whatever I want, I can eat whatever I like, date whoever I met. Its like a dream come true.

I got into Adrelliana University and 1 year past I love my life, my school, my friends, my apartment, but something's missing? I know Love life hihi.

Second year of College, too many things to learn and adapt. I was stressed out that I managed to start vices like smoking and alcohol. Soon after I joined a Motorcycle Club then and there I met Migs. He has fair complexion, black hair, a clean trimmed beard and he dresses clean. I like him until one day...

*Friend of Migs: Hey, you know my friend Migs noticed you staring at him this whole time and wants to ask you for your number.

I freaked out and blushed as I heard him say that. But my friends insisted and gave my number. That moment on, Migs and I are friends. We texted day and night. Until he invited me to his house. I was hesitant at first but agreed later. Hey, whatcha wanna do sit down and knit while my friends enjoy their dates well hell no. Not that type of goody two shoes anymore.

We talked and talked, laugh and watched movies together 1 whole day then night came. He kissed me softly and caress my body. I was turned on and kissed him back. He grabbed my chest and caress it once more. It went to a romantic night full of pleasure. I want it that feeling , it lingers through my veins. I wanted more. I let him do what he likes to me all night and it was unforgettable.

After 3 weeks of communication. I wanted to see him. I was eager, I remembered that feeling it was Hot, Steaming and I felt enough. So I picked up my phone and called him.

*Phone rings 2x

*Phone rings 6x

*Phone rings 12x

*Phone rings 28x

At 29th call someone answered. It was his cousin.

*Migs cousin: Hello, who is this? Im sorry is this important?

*Esrin: Is Migs around?

*M. cousin: Is this Frolla?

*Esrin: (heart drops) Frolla who? Im his Girlfriend Esrin

*M. cousin: Ow sh*t, Im sorry are you the girl he met at Motorcy. club?

*Esrin: (crying) Yes, huhuhu is he there I want to talk to him

*M. cousin: Dear look, I will make it easier for you okay Migs told me to never answer your calls. He is not here anymore.

*Esrin: What do you mean? 😭

*M. cousin: He--- my golly migs! Why do you do this to me! Well he is in Canada right now to visit his Fiancè. He is getting married this week

*Esrin: Okay thanks ( puts down call )

I cried long into the night. I was betrayed and toyed around like a pillow. But my heart speaks of love so I still tried to contact him and he managed to replied on social media saying

" Sorry, I like you but I love my girl I cannot leave her for someone like you , I only tasted what it feels like to have intercourse with someone fat like you". I never replied back neither did I cried cause its all true. I moved on easily by posting pictures on social media. I became friends with men on it too. That all started Freedom, Betrayal and Seeking for affection it ate me all up.

I met a man on social media. We exchanged numbers and it went well. His name is Nick.

Nick is an architect and has a high paying job. He cherish me and gifted me brand new phones, loads, allowance and even payed half my tuition fee. What's more? He is good in bed I told you before I want more pleasure more connection.

I know myself that I can't love someone anymore I was afraid that all of those things will again happen to me. So I promised myself I Esrin, will never be toyed by any man again. They will be the one who will suffer now.