Hopeful thoughts, Hopeful wishes

My dream of becoming a teacher is one step closer to me now. I feel so alive from entering our campus. Freshmen like me are flustered as they were finding their assigned rooms. I too was feeling anxious. I mean think about it, you entered to a new environment knowing no one but yourself is a bit hard to handle. So I was there again alone at the side of our assigned room with no one to chat to. Everyone introduced themselves one by one. When it's my turn, no one seemed intrested in me not even boys. I felt lonely that time and it was sad.

One week passed and still no friends, no allies, no companion, no one. I hope I can make friends soon. Last scheduled subject, huh! I feel exhausted already is this what they call college life? I mean it's exhausting my facial cells is already making me all stressed and all. That was all in my mind so I sighed out loud and my seat mates giggled at me. They are Lory, Emilu, Sereena and Candy. Lory is the intelligent one, single since birth, has average boobs, medium length hair, face average and thin body. Emilu is the happy one, she's a jokester, has a nice personality, hair is short, face average and she's chubby. Sereena, the simple one, has average boobs, long haired, nice body and she's rich. Her family is in politics for decades already. And Candy, nice body, hair same length as mine (long), her boobs are larger than mine, has long legs, and she's pretty. They're all fair skinned ladies like me. They became my friends.

The four of us enjoyed each other's companion. Every lunch, events at school, and every struggle we all face it together. We are like inseparable vines twingled and growing longer and stronger. I also feel more beautiful when Im with them. Im grateful for having friends like them around. Our friendship this time is now celebrating it's second year. I will cherish it ten folds.

September 13, today is my birthday and my friends keep avoiding me. Like what the hell is going on? I didn't envision my day to be like this. So, I got home early but at least I can celebrate my birthday with my family. Soon as I opened the door I saw my brothers watching t.v so I was approached my brothers behind the sofa quietly.....

Katza: Hoooooooo Waaaaaa Hooooooooooooo!!

Jude (youngest): Sis, we're not kids that you can easily scare.

Jack(eldest): Just let her be.

Jude: Sis go to your room and change you smell like smelly socks

Jack: HAHAHAHA! high five bro!

Katza: Wow, today is my birthday and yet you enjoyed teasing me

(both ignores sister)

Katza: Fine! I'll go upstairs change my clothes and tell mom that the two of you are making jokes at me on my birthday! Hmmptt! 😑 (walks away)

Jack(whispering tone): hey you think she noticed?

Jude: I told her to go to her room maybe she's not that dumb and can read those things. I hope she'll be happy today.

Jack: yah, you're right

As I held upstairs I feel warm and somewhat happy I dunno why. I opened my door and they all shouted SURPRISE!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I was so shook, My parents are there, my friends and my brothers are behind me. My room is so beautiful, my bed is filled with petals of red rose, my reading desk has a cake on it, my ceiling has red balloons, and I saw a gorgeous white casual dress...

Mom: My darling, this dress is our present for you. Daddy picked the design do you like it?

Katza: Yes mom it's perfect. Thank you mom and dad. (hugs tightly)

Mom: Your friends planned this surprize for you, you have such wonderful friends you must treasure them.

Bff's: Thank you auntie!

Sereena: We come up to an idea of having a surprise party for you and we put up red colors because we know its your favorite color.

Lory: Thanks to auntie and uncle we came up here to arrange it before you came home.

Emilu: Well do you like it?

Katza: Oh! I love it, never in my life did I experienced anything like this. Thank you very much.

Candy: We love you bestie and we wish you good health now blow your candle.

Blowing my candle I had a wish. Which I will never mention.....Jinkx! I wished that this will never end, the laughter, joy, and love I was experiencing with my friends and family. We all celebrated the night of my birthday at home. It was unforgettable.

Another semester is here, we are now in third year. A guy from other course came up to me and gave me a letter. I freakingly smelled the thing. I knew it! Its a love letter! I was so excited to read it. I knew my beauty still the best. I opened the letter and it reads...

"Dear Pretty Angel,

I was admiring you for over a year now. This time I had the courage to tell what I feel. So, here it goes. I saw you with your girlfriends everytime I pass this building. You always caught my eye. Your long hair makes you irresistable. But nothing can beat your sweet smile. Even your lips, as pink as the prettiest flower. Your laugh as sweet as sugar. Please meet me tomorrow at the back of the school gym so that I can confess my love to you personally. Do please come alone don't worry your friends can come and spy I don't mind but just as we talk please can we talk alone. Hope to see you. I'll be waiting for you there at 9:30 am.

your's truly,


I was sweating after reading. I love him already. Just joking! I mean his words are so sincere and gentle. I must see him tomorrow, I must be prepared.

Emilu: Whut are you reading Katz. Let me see! (snatches paper away) (then reads). Katz! Oh my! oh my! you have an admirer! Im so happy

for you.

Katza: You know men can't stop staring at me. Im that pretty.

Sereena: What if he's ugly?

Katza: Ree! dont be mean! I feel that his handsome aldready by reading it. (giggling with joy)

Lory: Why will you be giggling, you're not the one the boy is implying.

Katza: What are you saying?

Lory: You guys should read it carefully before you all react. See here it says.....

" To : Candy S. Uy Of Class C"

Katz, Ree, Emilu: 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱!!!

Lory: Candy, is absent today because she's attending her sister's wedding and Katz here opened her letter which means Katz must be the one who'll appologize to Candy.

Katza: Indeed it's my fault I really thought the letter is for me I did not read it properly.

My dream of having a boyfriend goes waaaaay down the toilet drain and Im not happy about anything. I was so embarassed of myself that I said all those things infront of my friends luckily Candy ain't around, if she's here maybe she'll accuse me of stealing her admirer or worst she may ignore me forever for not telling her she's the one the boy likes. The next day whem Candy came to school I carefully explained to her what happened and apologized. I thought she will be displeased but I did not put my hopes down for I know she has a heart of gold and forgive me for what I have done. Gladly, she understood me, I knew she has a golden soul. But, what is this I feel uneasy, Why do I feel jealous of her? Why is this feeling returning? What am I gonna do? I don't want to ruin our friendship! Hopefully I can get hold of myself.

What will happen to me next episode? Why ? and How? Read next chapter of my story and tell it to your friends, please share ! See you on Ep. 8! 🐍2snakes🐍&ascepter💎