Rushing for love to Blooming beginnings

Years of sisterhood and friendship all thrown out because of a certain boy. Why are they like that? Im beautiful, witty and lively. I've got it all, but I have no friends, no boyfriends, no support. I know what's right and I am the one's who is in the right. Am I right? Candy will not loose her boyfriend if she just give what Levin wants. Anyway, I don't care she isn't my friend anymore and Levin and I have no deep feelings with each other. I still need support, I know I'll call Freya. You know my childhood bestfriend I know she will be there for me. I'll chat her on social media.....

Katza: Frey, how are you

Freya: Im okay. Let's hang out soon.

Katza: Sure, I'll text you here's my cell XXXXXXXXXXX

Freya: XXXXXXXXXX Here's mine. Just call me.

You all been thinking and wonder'n why Freya and me were been this close ever since. I'll explain to you. She and I got into A. University and ofcourse we applied for different courses, but we still keep in touch. During school fest, programs, sport's fest and town fiesta we hang out sometimes but this latest incident I still need to tell her. The reason why I go to her for advises is that she can really tell it all. Alas, days have walk-in and we still failed to hang out. Between those days I met Mike on social media and turns out he is also a student at A. University but semester he transferred to KG College due to his subject schedule (he said subjects at A. University aren't open for this semester so he needed to transfer) . He said that he fell in love with me at first sight hihihi. I feel like falling inlove again...

(social media)

Mike: I saw you with Freya last school sport's fest, I was mesmerized and now I have the courage to have a chat with you.

Katza: It's okay, wait a minute how the hell do you know Freya?

Mike: Im friends with her boyfriend, Keinne he's also my classmate, so I ask him your name to search for you online. I searched your name long ago but I was shy at first because I thought you have a boyfriend turns out Levin isn't your boyfriend.

Katza: Hm? Let's not talk about Levin okay. I want to meet you in person.

Mike: Soon, when we are both ready okay baby? Hehe Can I call you baby?

Katza: Aaaaw of hihihi see you.

We exchanged phone numbers and he calls me day and night. Right now I just want someone who I can share my sufferings and carry my happiness with. In short I want a boyfriend. You know that feeling when your heart skips a beat whenever you see his name pop up on your phone, and you gotta stop what you're doing to giggle at a moment? haaaa.... That's what I feel right now. Feelings got deeper and deeper these past few days and we decided to meet in person. Freya and I talked and agreed to go to KG College (where Mike and Keinne is). We went inside and met Mike. Freya and Keinne left the moment Mike and I are talking to each other. We proceeded to this restaurant where we talked for hours. Two days later Mike and I decided to take things to the next level. He rented a hotel and we stayed for a whole day. We had a fantastic day, we had sex all night long. Two boxes of condoms were used but it wasn't enough so we still continued even if we ran out. I feel so tired the next morning. I came and and suddenly...

Mom: Dear, you look so blooming today how was your thesis project?

Katza: Mom, Im tored we worked the whole night Im going to bed now.

Mom: This early in the morning? Man that thesis of yours is really hard to deal with. Go ahead.

I told my mom the other day that I will have an overnight with friends for thesis, it's all a lie. Weeks go on and on and we still continued the sex habit. Until two months into our relationship Mike grew tired of me and break up with me, turns out he only wants to have sex with me nothing else. I was so crashed and burned by that incident again so I insisted Freya to go out with me to the town park...

Katza: Why am I like that? They have sex with me I love him and now tells me his mom doesn't like me at all?! Huhuhu

Freya: What a lame excuse. I can even say more acceptable excuses rather than that.

Katza: I mean what do others got that I don't. Im pretty, smart, flawless, sexy, hot, everything a guy want and fantasize it's all in me.

Freya: Not everything. You know what let it out he is a jerk. Most men are jerks.

Katza: I know right!? Is Keinne a jerk?

Freya: No my Keinne's a good person that's why we are still in a relationship, it's been years.

Katza: Huh! I know what does he see on you? You are not even pretty like me. I should be the one with a boyfriend but why do they keep on slipping away from me.

Freya: . . . . . . . . . .

She laughed at me the whole afternoon I dunno why but I'll take it. At least I've moved on a little just by talking to her. I have forgoten about it after a month and here comes Ric. He is a year younger than me and I have fallen for him. We had sex on his parent's house every afternoon. Until he also grew tired of me and excused himself from seeing me by saying " I need to concentrate studying you must understand ". Second came in the name of Conor, we had a few one night stands and when I fall for him he left me for some other girl. Third came Mark, he had sex with me twice then left me the day I have fallen for him. He said I was too boring. I was so devastated countless men used me for their desire and my heart was like stumped by horny men back and forth.

Convincing my mom and dad I had to transfer was one of the hardest things to explain. Gladly they agreed to it and I transferred to Muriel University (M. University) at Petals City. I was so desperate finding the man I love because I saw it once and I want it. You know LOVE. I saw it from my mom and dad. Growing up, I saw dad surprising mom with flowers, kissing her, hugging each other, dating whenever possible, holding hands while walking, dancing to romantic music, its like they never grew up they remained the same from the moment they met. Meeting a guy just like my dad is high when I entertain every men who comes knocking at my heart. Or so I thought.

Entering a new University is a bit strange because Im back to zero no friends, no ally, no boyfriend, nobody. I was walking around looking for my room when a guy bumped into me. His name is Raymond. A tall, medium tanned guy. Turns out he is my classmate we hang out together and became friends. Then he began to confess so then and there friends became Lovers real quick hihi I know right. Im that pretty. Ofcourse as lovers we had sex whenever possible and it lead to a shocking result...

Katza: What will I do?! I just transferred and Im now pregnant it's so quick. My dad's gonna kill me. Im only 19 please help me.

Raymond: Do anything you like Im here to support you.

Katza: What if I abort it?

Raymond: It's up to you it is your body.

I called Freya and told her everything. She later convinced me to tell my parents and not abort my child. I thought about it for days. I could'nt sleep and eat well. I was afraid for me for my family. In the end I decided to tell my dad. I send him a SMS saying I need money and clothes at Petals City. So he traveled long into the night and arrived this morning...

Dad: Here you are my darling. You look so thin. Are you eating well why aren't you looking into my eyes?

Katza: Dad I need to tell you something.

Dad: Is it a problem then let me hear it. Is it school or this dorm of yours?

Katza: Im pregnant, dad

Dad: . . . . . .

Katza: Dad Im sorry I know you sacrificed a lot. You got a loan so that I can transfer, Mom now has two jobs because of me you tr---

Dad: Keep it

Katza: What?

Dad: Keep the child. Raise it with love and guidance may I know whose the father.

I cried an ocean that night I was so thankful God gave me my Family.They guided me through it all and I never felt neglected or forgotten. Raymond stayed by my side but still needed to go to school for us and the baby. After 9 months I gave birth to a healthy baby boy and next year I will continue on with my studies. No more fooling around and no more boys. Just me, my family, my soon to be husband and my baby Ryan. This is my new beginning*

End of Katza's story--

We all need to think about other's feelings too. Think of others as yourself. Praising one's self is like clapping to yourself in front of a public audience, be humble enough so they will praise you.

Next episode__Who is this Arthuro and who is Ara? And why is it filled with glitters and crowns?

See you!
