conceal despair

this express to lack of ambition willingness to tolerate for with the acceptance of forever compassion life mail for without protest mental and physical laziness lack of initiative imagination and self control. generally express true albis uses design to cover up explain away or apologize for once failure sometimes express in form of envy of those who are successful or by criticizing them were usually expressed by finding fault with others or tendency to spend billions once income neglect of personal appearance scroll in and frowning interference in the use of alcoholic drink sometimes through the use of nacrotics nervousness lack of poise self-concept and lack of self Reliance the habit of looking for negative side of every circumstance thinking and token talking aur question the habit of looking for negative side of every circumstances thinking and talking of possible failure instead of concentrating on the means of succeeding doing all the routes to disaster but never searching for the plans to avoid failure waiting for the right time to begin putting ideas in plants into action and the boy thing becomes a permanent habit remembering those who have failed and forgetting those who have succeed saying the hole in the dog not but overlooking the dog nut pessimism leading to in digestion poor elimination auto intoxication bad breath and bad deposition. procrastination the habit of putting off until tomorrow that which have been done last year spending enough time in creating alibis and excuses to have done job the symptom too closely related to over question doubt and very refusal to accept responsibility when it can be avoided willingness to compromise rather than put up a stick fight compromising with difficulties instead of honey Singh and using them a stepping stones to advancement the Bagh in English life for a penny assertive demanding prosperity opulence riches contemptment and happiness planning what to do if and when overtaken by failure Asad of budding all bridges and making retreat impossible weakness of and open total lack of self confidence define less of purpose self control initiative enthusiasm ambition trapped and sound reasoning ability expecting poverty instead of demanding riches association with those who expect poverty instead of seeing the company of those who demand and receive riches money talks some will ask why did you write a book about money why measures riches on dollars alone some will believe and rightly so there are three other forms of riches more desirable than money yes there are richest which can be measured in terms of dollars for there are millions of people who will say give me all the money I need and I will find everything else I want to measure reason why I wrote this book on how to get money is the fact that the world has put lately Pashto an experienced Affleck millions of men and women paralyse with few of poverty with effects of field as 21 as well described by Westbrook regular in the New York world telegram money is only clamshell for metal discourse traps paper and there are transverse process of the heart and soul which money cannot buy for most people being broke unable to keep this in mind and sustain the spirits when a man is down when a man is down and out of on the street unable to get an job at all something happens to his fields which can be observed in the drop of his shoulders the set of his hat his work and his days he can't escape the feeling of imperative interfere among people with regular employment even though hindis they are definitely not his equal in character intelligence for ability those people even his friends during the other hand a sense of security and regarding unconsciously as a casuality him boro for a time but not enough to carry on his IQ stated way and you cannot continue to borrow very long but borrowing in itself and a man is boring mail it to live nearly to live it's depressing experience and the money lacks the power of earn money to receive his spirits of chorus number of this applies to birth of habit jewel do else but only two men of normal ambition and self respect women concealed disappear woman is the same parody payment must be different veesum how do not think the women at all considering the down and out as they are scared in the badlands Payal you are singing on the streets and they are not recognisable in clouds by the same plant science which identify the signal of course I do not need the shuffling hacks of the series 32 are the positive number of the confirm male bumps and in regional young decent and intelligent women there must be many of them but they disappear is not appearing maybe they kill themselves when a man is down and he has time on hand for brooding hi main travels 200 cm and about the job and discovered that the job is feel that is one of those dogs and less Knick-Knack which nobody would buy accept out of PT turning that down we find himself back on the streets with no where to go but just anywhere so he walks she walks she gives into store windows 8 legs trees which are not for him and field in feet area and gives way to people who stop to look with an active interest hi vendors into the railroad station or put inside down in the library to increase lives in soke up little heat. free vendors to ease his inner self. he may be well dressed in the clothes left over from the days when he had a study job but the clothes cannot disguised the drop he may not know but it aimlessness would give him away even if the very lines of a figure did not he may be well dressed but not now feces thousands of other people bookkeeper surplus of chemistry for vegan hands busy at their work and invoice m from the bottom of his people they have their independence in this self respect and man who can he simply cannot convince him said that he is good man to do here I'll give it out and arrived at a favourable verdict hour after an hour it's just money which makes this difference in in with the little money he would be himself again some employers take the most shocking advantage of people who are down and out then see hangout live coloured gods offering measurable wishes to the cinnamon $12 week $15 week and $18 rig jobs employment and even with $25 a week to offer does not have job in front of an agency on a coloured card I have want at lips from local paper demanding ek larka good clean penman to take telephone order for sandwich shop from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. for $1 a month not $1 Ravi but $1 a month then the address also state religion can you imagine the British rule if any of any one who demands a good clean than men for eleven cents and our inquiring into victims religion but that is what the state people are offered the fear of criticism just how many originally came by this real no one can say definitely but one thing is hurting he was he has its and highly developed for some believe this if EA made its appearance what time that Google is politics become a professional other believe it can be traced to the age when women for speaking to concern themselves files in wearing apparel that being the humorous Nora profit others believe it can be treated to the age when women first began to consult them service styles in wearing Apparel the soccer bin neendra humorist Nora profit is inclined to attribute basic feature of criticism ^ mens inheriting nature which prompts him not only to take away his silence goods and where but to justify his action by criticism of CISF elements corrected it is well known fact that it every criticize the man who he stares that politicians coffee not by displaying their own virtues and qualification but by tempting to mismerch there opponent's.the fear of criticism takes on many forms majority of which are paddy and tribal bald headed man for example sabal for Nelson than their fear of criticism has become bald because of the tight fitting hands of hats which cut of the circulation from the roots to the hey man where had not because they actually need that but mainly because everyone is doing it then visible false in two line and dislike wise less some other individual criticizing women seldom have bald heads or even think here because they wear hats which field there had loosely the only purpose of this at being adornment but it must not be suppose that women are free from the fear of criticism Agni woman claims to be separate two men with reference to the sphere ask to walk down the street wearing a hat of vintage of 1890 the was taught manufacturers of cloth in have no beans love to kept capitalise the space affair of criticism which will all mankind have been worse every season this I'll see many articles of wearing apparelchange who established the style certainly not the purchaser of clothing but the manufacturer why does it change the style so often the answer is always see changes does he can sell more clothes for the same reason the manufacturers of automobiles of urea and very sensible exception change types of models every season 9 man wants to drive an automobile which is not of the latest styles of the old model May actually be the better car.