Lucid Dream

As I blink I am standing in a bustling area. Gripping tight a suitcase it one hand, and plane tickets in another. The destination is New York. As I look at the tickets I quickly run over the the gate and board the plane.

As soon as we had taken off I had fallen asleep. I dreamed a lucid dream. I was walking down a street full of people, it was suffocating. I had the urge to fine someone. As I jumped and looked to find whoever I was trying to find. I could slightly see someone in the distance. I don't know who they are but I need to find them.

I fell down when I was trying to push my way through the crowd, Falling through a hole in the ground and drowning in darkness. As soon as I fell I jumped awake, the person next to me was trying to wake me up to tell me they were finally getting off the plane. I thanked them for waking me and went on my way out.