What is Love?

When Shae was little, She and Wales used to watch this Anime called Inuyasha: A Feudal Fairy Tale which is Shae's very first understanding of romance, and love.

It is a story of a Japanese girl Kagome transported to the Sengoku period of Japan and falling in love with Inuyasha, a half-demon, who has dog ears and the prettiest long silver hair. In an era where humans and demons are deadly enemies, he fell in love with Kikyo, a human warrior priestess who is the protector of the Shikon Jewel, a jewel so powerful that can make Inuyasha a full demon, or turn him into a human. Inuyasha, despite wanting to become a powerful demon so he does not need to live under the shadows of being a half-demon, decided to be transformed into a human, to be with Kikyo.

On the day of transforming Inuyasha, Kikyo took out the Shikon Jewel, yet got attached by Naraku, who disguised as Inuyasha, and in the end turned out to actually craved Kikyo. Kikyo was badly hurt and using her remaining strength, she shot out a sacred arrow at Inuyasha and pinned him down on a tree. She then asked to be burned with the Shikon Jewel to take it out of this world to keep away those who would abuse its power. Kagome, the reincarnation of Kikyo brought the jewel that's hidden inside her body back into the Sengoku period when she was transported back. She unpinned the sacred arrow from Inuyasha. While Kikyo was brought back to life later in the story, despite all those years of hatred and misunderstanding, the triangle love between Kikyo, Kagome, and Inuyasha intertwines.

Shae was overwhelmed by the amount of emotions depicted by the anime. She had questions so many questions too. She could not understand the emotions and actions of the characters. Maybe she was only a kid back then or, perhaps due to her very limited interactions with this mysterious gender called male. She felt confused as to why Inuyasha would go from dislike of Kagome to actually caring for her, and eventually being with her; Why he could not move his eyes off Kikyo even after she put an arrow right throw his heart; Why after Kikyo had taken of Naraku when he was all alone and badly injured, he would hurt Kikyo, at the end of his life admitted to only have wanted Kikyo's love.

"Love seems to make people do crazy things..." Shae thinks in her head.

To Shae, she had her very first understanding of love: love means to compromise, giving up what you desired to be with someone; love means to takes no revenge even an arrow pierces right through the heart by the person you love; love means understanding and conceding to the side when he falls for another person; love means climbing thousands of mountains and crossing the coldest sea to see them for the last time, and wishing them good fortune with someone else.

Love, means the ultimate happiness, and the greatest pain. Love, means to hold tight, and to let go.