Burning Match

Summer break lasts for about two months. Shae has been on the quest journey with Summer everyday. She follows him around everywhere in Azeroth: down in the quiet creeks, deep in the high mountains, up in the colorful sky in Outland.

Shae truly owns up to her in game name: Nano sheep. she is shy and timid like a tiny sheep, and only comes out behind Summer when it is absolutely safe. However, if you ever want to see her, you have to get past the tiger too. Along the adventures, Shae and tiger have formed a special bound where tiger circles around her and protects her like he does Summer.

For the first time, Shae got so much constant support and company from anyone other than Wales, her blood-related cousin. Meanwhile, she experienced so many emotions that were unfamiliar.

She felt supported when Summer said "if she doesn't get in, I won't join." when applying for a dungeon group; She felt appreciated when he would surprise her with the cute pets he had collected. She was so excited to get her first dragon when he traded her 5000 gold one day after a raid, and said "this is my baby sheep's mount fund.", a humongous amount back in the expansion where everyone dreams to have a flying mount. She felt overwhelmed yet flattered, when Summer started paying for her subscriptions after finding out Shae doesn't have much pocket money in grade 7.

However, what she appreciates the most, is once the parties end, Summer and his tiger, will always stick around for her. Whenever Shae gets lost, Summer will always tell Shae to stay put, and before long, he will come to Shae with his giant tiger. "No matter where you are, I will always find my way to you, sheep." That's what he'd always say.

To better gear up having reached max level, Summer and Shae joined the same guild in the hopes of finding a consistent raid progression group. Back in the day, the guild leader would add points to members who attend the raid, and when gears drop, they use points to get them. When the guild first started on Sunwell, the most difficult raid in the Burning Crusade expansion, the biddings on gears go crazy and Shae never had enough points to get anything. Summer saw, not only did he give all his points to Shae, he also bought game token in exchange for points from other guild members just so Shae gets a little something.

Shae had never received any gifts from any guys. On top of the subscriptions Summer gives her, she feels bad and somehow in debt to accept gifts since she has nothing to offer in return. Hence she had asked Summer about this several times and he would always tell Shae to just accept his gifts and that's what makes him happy. Shae was conflicted. She felt always unsettled to keep taking and never giving. However, the temptation of Summer's company is like a drug, and before Shae even realized, she's heavily addicted.

Later in life, Shae will face many temptations. Although being told many times to stay away, she eventually will give in and pick the worst kind and will go farther and father down the path. She will try hard to break away, however the more the she fights back, the deeper she swirls down the abyss of pain.

That's what temptations do, the short-lived joy will cause greater pain every time. Shae, well knowing the consequences, will choose to indulge in the temporary happiness again and again. Like the match she used to light up with Wales when she was young, she will become one herself one day. She will light up and feel farm for a little while, before her flame finally dies out and turns to ashes.