Party Time

Picking a stick from the ground as they were making their way through the wooded lands to Tommy's place. Caden would cast a glamor spell on the raw resource, shifting it into refined rimless square glasses. Placing them over his eyes, he grinned a bit at Thea.

"You know what song is in my head?" Caden asked curiously to see if they were on the same wavelength. Though he could just tell her without actually speaking like he had been when he wasn't in his human form.

Thea just looked at him with a brow raised. They were approaching the 'party palace' and he was thinking of a song? It had to be a song related to that. She could accurately deduce it, but her senses began to tingle a bit as he suddenly burst out into song.

"I'm comin' up so you better you better get this party started~" He began to childly shuffle his feet, rolling his shoulders as he held his arms at perfect right angles. It was as if he was dancing like Picard from Star Trek, lazily.

Thea smiled awkwardly seeing him act this way as he sang.

"Come on, don't leave me hanging~" Caden chimed at her as he took a step forward, then a step back, but he always kept his pace up with hers as they were heading down the long driveway. He nudged slightly at her arm.

Thea rolled her eyes as she tried hard not to laugh at his current way of acting. She bit her lower lip to withhold herself, and she managed to do so until they reached the front gates.

There the bouncer was, asking for cards. "Next," he said as he tossed someone's fake card to the side. It was clear it wasn't good enough to pass the light test.

As they walked up to the man, they both held out their cards. She had already come prepared with the fake one, he on the other hand began to use glamor on pieces of trash he came across. So he had his own in a matter of moments.

"You two can enter," he said as the gate opened for the two of them to enter the main property.

Caden grinned a bit as he held out his arm for her to hook hers around.

Thea looked at him for a few moments before shrugging, mouthing a 'whatever' before hooking her arm with his and taking a charge inside. She was smiling widely as she was taking in the lighting and the outlandish behavior of adults in all directions.

There were so many people here, she could barely hold herself in. There was the smell of pot, alcohol and puke. Drug use was rampant, obviously. The party life was something she enjoyed, even though she was just taking up the life to fill in an empty void left by her father and brother.

The two of them entered through the front door of the Mansion, Caden having used the back of his hand to do so. He didn't even have to turn the nob since it wasn't shut all the way.

After only taking a few steps inside, Tommy and Laurel were approaching them almost immediately. Once they came up to them, they paused seeing Caden with his arm entwined with Thea's.

Due to him wearing glasses and the suit, he looked a bit older than he really was, but he also didn't not look young. He had little to no facial hair, not even stubble. Though due to the low light that was hard to figure out.

"Who are you?" Tommy asked, with his arms crossed over his chest. "And you two aren't old enough to even be in here." His eyes immediately shifted to that of Thea, who was now using him as a body shield.

"My name is Caden Price. I'm Thea's boyfriend. Pleasure to meet you, Tommy Merlyn, and Happy Birthday." He snapped his fingers and a small blue envelope appeared in his hand. To anyone watching, it just appeared to be a little dinky magic trick. Tommy's name was written on the envelope.

Tommy blinked several times before taking the envelope from the stranger and opening it with his thumb. Taking out a card that was in it, he stared at the front cover. "Happy Birthday Old Fart," was what he read on the cover with pursed lips.

The card was yellow with an old shriveled man using a walker.

When he opened the card, there was a pair of 3D glasses in them. "Welcome to the Club, The Old Fart Club." He stared at the inside of the card before looking over the glasses and slipping them on. Oddly enough he was preoccupied with the gift, he completely ignored Thea having a conversation with Laurel.

In the moment that he put the glasses on however, Tommy covered his mouth slightly to cover a gasp. They had been temporarily enchanted until they disappeared when the glamor wore off, but they allowed him to see through people's clothes.

"Hmm..." Tommy was amused by the gift, before turning to look towards Caden and Thea. Their clothes didn't vanish from his sight like everyone else's. Did they have some sort of tech built into them? Not that he wanted to see under their clothes.

Tommy took the glasses of and tucked them into his pocket. "Thanks for the gift," He tried to remain serious though since he was originally going to tell Thea off.

"No problem, Tom-Tom." Caden made a smartass expression before letting out a sigh. "I'll make sure she doesn't do anything, immoral." He referred to drugs and booze.

Laurel seemed to giggle as he referred to the man, her ex, as a Global Positioning System company.

Tommy clearly was not amused, but he simply waved them off anyway as Thea dragged Caden over towards the drinks. They had promised to Alcohol, but they'd still find a way to make this party a bit more fun.

About a good thirty minutes into dancing and having a good time, the two of them were interrupted by a single word from a single man.

"Queenie," Thea and Caden's eyes narrowed on Jordan Kern who seemingly materialized from nowhere.

"Oh, hey Jordan." Thea said as she stopped dancing, Caden immediately grasping her hand as she went to step towards the drug dealer. She glanced over her shoulder towards him and smiled faintly.

"Isn't it a little past your bedtime?" Jordan asked, giving a sly glance over toward the being who appeared to be her boyfriend and protector tonight.

Thea bit her lower lip as she had a line all ramped up in her mind, but she didn't feel like she should say it. Caden didn't want her to do drugs, her family didn't want her to do drugs. "I suppose it is. Guess I'll be retiring soon." She turned her head to the side, seeing Tommy dancing nearby, before tugging Caden along with her as she lead him along the edge of the crowd.

Jordan frowned as he watched one of his customers walk off without buying anything off him. He turned away and began walking towards the stairwell to the second story.

As they were walking away, Caden stopped Thea in their tracks and turned around. Watching a man in a green hoodie trailing behind Jordan. When they both disappeared up the steps, Caden and Thea looked at one another with a brow raised. "I think we should leave," Caden suggested as he knew what was about to happen.

Just as the music stopped, there was a loud thud and a woman screaming. Kern had just had his neck snapped and his body tossed over a rail overlooking the foyer.

"We can't go out the front door, we'll be noticed." Thea said as her body tensed up a bit, she felt like they were going to get trapped there. The last thing she needed was the police to get scent of her being in a place she shouldn't once again. This would only put her mother on her ass even more.

"Let's find a closet," Caden thought of a way for them to escape. At the same time this would be the first time he ever used more magic than the way he was already doing so. He had the imagination, the concentration, will and the ability to execute it through magic. So all he had to do, was relocate them.

"You can't be serious..." Thea was taking it the wrong way as he rolled his eyes at this. "Why are you rolling your eyes at me?" She went to kick him in the shin, but only narrowly grazed his leg with her own as she missed her target completely.

"I mean, they can't place us at the party, if we were in your room all night, at least at the time of what appears to be an assault." Caden responded with a light chuckle.

Thea caught on quickly. She was arrogant, but she wasn't stupid nor potentially ignorant. She followed him to the nearest linen closet and followed him in as he closed the door.

They were briefly concealed by darkness for the next three minutes.

Just before Tommy went to open the door, they vanished like a vanquished flame, leaving him dumbfounded after finding the closet was uninhabited. "The fuck?"