First Target

Thea was sitting on the couch beside him, her legs across his lap as she was looking through the listed names. She stared at them, there were plenty of them there. She was dedicating them to memory as she didn't know how long they could hold onto this book.

"Who do you think should be the first target?" Thea asked as she looked over at Caden who was resting his head against the couch. He looked as if he was about to fall asleep.

"Justin Claybourne is affiliated with the AK Desmond Group, who develop Bioweapons. His son is also a serial killer, so it's likely if we eliminate them, we save thousands of lives." Caden said as he referred to killing them rather coldly, but he managed to still smile at her as he said it.

He had left out the fact that his son wasn't a serial killer as of yet, but if he eliminated the two of them, there wouldn't be a problem later on.

Thea looked back at the book as she yawned slightly before placing it on the coffee table in front of the couch. "And how exactly are we going to do that?" She pulled herself into his lap, resting her head against his chest as she snuggled up to him. She wasn't smiling, her mind was going too fast for her to be happy, but she did enjoy the warmth from someone else for a change. "You said you're at my disposal, what does that even mean?"

Caden murmured inaudibly for a moment before tilting his head side to side, he wanted to explain he had a feeling he could do quite a few things. Using magic for him was like muscle memory, it just happened when he wanted it to happen.

It was a confusing feeling for him and not something he understood. Though he was already able to manipulate it to get what he wanted out of it. Like how he learned he could change shape, how he was able to materialize a portal trigger as a piece of paper.

"I can protect you. I can be a weapon, I can be a shield and I can stand beside you as your partner." Caden responded as he knew she wanted a more in depth explanation of what he was talking about.

Thea's mind went toward Gotham, the City in New Jersey, which had a caped crusader who cleaned up the streets. Who made it his own path to make things right. "Partners..." She muttered quietly to herself, liking the sound of it.

While her brother was off doing his thing, and until he officially returned, she had something to do. Something to set her mind to.

"And so I shall bestow upon you, a fraction of myself." In his mind he could feel the magic moving to his fingers and then a partially translucent thendral reached out from his hand and formed into a ring-like shape.

As it materialized and became more apparent, it was a ring made of jade. It fell into Thea's hand as she reached out to touch it and stared.

"I call it the Dragon Lord's Vassal ring. Bearing this ring, signs a wordless contract. Should this contract be broken, the ring will turn to dust." The words he spoke were not his own, but it was clear that it was information which he himself now knew. It was essentially a ring of subordination that gave the wearer select abilities. In this case, it supplied her with a supersuit of Dragon Lord hide, that greatly buffs her natural abilities and grants her an arsenal of Dragon Lord's hell flame in the form of a bow and arrows.

Thea stared at the jade ring, examined it between her fingers as she turned it around to see the sigil of a curled eastern dragon with antlers. It looked just like him when he was small and snake-like.

"It's a bit early to be proposing," Thea said quietly as she slipped the ring onto her ring finger, suddenly she was engulfed in a black and dark crimson red armor padded suit. This suit was dragon themed, being consisting of a two piece black jumpsuit, armored abdomen and a robe-like top prepared with a hood that had a draconic head-design trimmed in gold-like scales. The overall appearance looked like that of a ninja. There was even a little tube mask to hide her mouth should she want to protect that little part of her face.

Her jaw almost fell off its hinges as she tensed up in his lap, almost leaping onto her feet and looking herself over. "Holy smokes!" Thea began jumping in place, as minimal as possible, as she could feel that gravity wasn't pushing her down as much.

Caden smirked slightly, he couldn't see anything above her nose, but only her mouth. The eye holes in the hood dragon visor were blacked out and only worked one way. "How does it feel to be bulletproof?"

Snapping his fingers, a black and dark sapphire version of her suit appeared on him. Of course it was designed to appease his own physique rather than her own.

"Bulletproof?" Thea said with a wide grin across her lips hearing him say this. "I'm bulletproof!?"

Caden rolled his eyes slightly, "Don't get any fancy ideas in your head. Even if you're bulletproof, humans can only take so much physical trauma from the impacts."

Licking her lips slightly, Thea lulled her head off to the side as if she was still thinking 'fancy thoughts' as he put it. "Lets get going~" She said as she wanted to test drive this piece of armor he had given her.

Watching as she went to walk away, she paused and turned her head. "Where are we going anyways?" Thea asked curiously with a chuckle of her own. Her brother was alive, these people were ruining this city. By the time he returned, she wanted a city where he no longer had to fight anymore. Not for a government, not for other people and not for himself.

A world where she could be with her older brother like they had been when they were kids.

"Claybourne Pharmaceuticals of course," Caden stated with his fingers pressed against one another in a somewhat prismatic fashion.

Thea raised a brow, of course he wasn't able to see the expression entirely, but he could see her lips purse. "We're going to his place of work?"

"Where else would we go to start our hunt?" Caden reached out for her hand with a grin across his lips as he walked over to her.

She just looked at him for a few seconds before smirking snarky, "Of course." Thea took hold of his hand once more as they went to rush up the steps and to her room. They slid the window open and jumped out together. With the help of the suits, they both landed in a nearby tree and started making their way towards the urban zone of Star city.

While they weren't necessarily faster than a car going over twenty five miles an hour, they made it to the target's ideal location. They stood on the flat roof of the building across from the Claybourne Pharmaceuticals building.

The first thing she began to notice when there were more people around, was the pheromones and various colors which painted the world. These colors, these things, were previously invisible to her.

Thea gasped quietly to herself at the vibrant cityscape, it looked like a magical realm combined with a concrete jungle.

"Right now what you're seeing is what I always see, smell and hear." Caden explained in a hushed tone.

Thea nodded hearing this, as it explained quite a bit of his actions and things he noticed. It was as if he always knew where someone was. He knew Walter was outside her bedroom, he knew that Ollie was on the ground floor.

"Now concentrate on our targets..." They looked up at the building. They could see very few shapes moving about, little life. It must be the security patrols that were ready and about. They didn't see them coming at all. They had no reason to suspect an attack, let alone a preemptive assassination on their part.

Up in the CEO and Founder's Office was Justin and his son. The scent of wine and Jade Dragon take out filled their noses. "I found them," Thea said as she stepped forward, almost stepping off the roof until Caden snatched her by the arm on instinct, causing her to hang off like a banner flag pole.

"Are you going to teleport us in?" She asked curiously as she looked up at him.

Caden shook his head slightly with a smug look on his face. "Think of this as training for future missions," he responded as he hopped off the side of the building. Taking her with him.

He quickly caught her in his arms bridal style and then dropped her legs so she landed on her feet. Both of them darted up the stairs to the front entrance. "Doors locked," he stated as he waved a hand over the electronic padlock, causing the little red light to turn green and the door to unlock.

He opened the door and the two slipped inside. They remained crouched and made their way into the stairwell.

Instead of running up the stairs, they used it as a jungle gym. Jumping up the sides, pulling themselves up over the rails. It was a work out all on its own as they went up about twenty stories before breaking out onto the inhabited floor of the target.

There were at least six guards on this floor. Out of all of them, this was the most guarded. The other floors were either completely empty or had one or two other guards on duty.

The safety of their employer was paramount.

"How are we going to kill him?" Thea asked as she leaned against him, they were on the complete opposite side of the building.

Caden smirks hearing her ask the question, though it sounded weird coming from her mouth. She had an awkward tone with this, he could tell she was worried, she didn't know if she could kill. That was normal, especially for someone who hadn't killed before. "Clasped your hands together, pinch the air beneath the ring. Feel the lukewarm hell flame, and draw it back."

Nodding, she stood up and glanced around before clasping her hands together. She pinched a nanometer away from the ring, and began to draw back. A lukewarm flame in mind. Suddenly an aquatic green flame burst between her fingers. It was comfortable, something one would want to cuddle up to on a cool summer night. "Draw..." She said quietly as she pulled her fingers back as if drawing an arrow for a bow.

When her arm was as far as it could possibly get, a bow materialized in her hand with a fiery arrow ready to fire. "This is amazing..." She couldn't help but say as she heard him whispering to her once more.

"Now imagine it hitting your targets. Incinerating them, leaving nothing but ash behind."

Thea closed her eyes and imagined the shapes she saw through the walls. She imagined them bursting into flames and turning into nothing but ash and dust in the wind. She took a sharp inhale, and exhaled slowly as she opened her eyes and released the arrow.

The fire detection system didn't even go off.

The arrow traveled through the walls without leaving marks, not scorching, it just phased through wall after wall. Then as the arrow entered the office of the two men.

"Fath–!" Simon Morrison began to say only for the arrow to split in two and embrace both of them with aquatic green flames. The two in the office let out shrilling shrieks of terror and pain, but it was only briefly. Within seconds all that was left of the two men was ash, there was nothing left.

Thea stood there, frozen in her releasing gesture. She had watched the colorful vibrant colors which had surrounded the two men's bodies fade to nothingness. The ashes didn't even have the same scent or color, it was just a mystical grey.

"I... I just killed them." Her hands shook as she let them fall to her sides. "I actually killed people..."

Caden gently wrapped his arms around her waist as she was about to fall to her knees or puke. He hauled her over his shoulder and within a less than a minute he had become one with the air along with her. He was doing the same thing he had done earlier to get the duo out of Tommy's house, teleporting.