Starling Port

It was pouring, the heavens were crying as little white dots poked through the dark grey clouds. It was late, the smell of the sea was crisp dampened. Two beings dressed in dragon themed attire came walking through the front entrance of the Starling Port company lot.

"Who is our target?" Thea asked in a hushed tone, though just loud enough to be heard over the rain. She held a bow in left hand, but she had no arrows on her back. The heart of the ring upon her finger, however, was glowing a bright aquatic green.

Caden who was walking beside her smirked, he on the other hand was carrying what looked like a crossbow in one hand. "Martin Somers. He's allowing the Chinese Triad to smuggle and then sell drugs in Star City through his port. We remove him and his business, we remove their deal."

Thea blinked several times when she heard this and then finally nodded after a short thought. "Are we killing everyone?"

"Our only kill targets are armed individuals on sight, likely Triad members and Bodyguards to Somers." Caden notified Thea as he smelled the air. The scents of everything around them was dampened because of the rain, but he could still feel the life forms around him. He just had to be closer to them to discern more information about them.

The two of them ducked under the guard rail which stopped vehicles from passing through. There was no guard on tonight it seemed, which was rather strange. Nonetheless they continued to move forward.

They could see a handful of people near one warehouse, it was marked Starling Port after the company that owned it. A small grin formed over his lips as he gestured for her to cover up.

Both Thea and Caden pulled their scarves over their mouths. Their identities now completely concealed. They were making their first debut as there was sure to be plenty of security cameras.

As they walked beneath a public light, two of the men looking over some crates looked over at them. One of them picked up their walkie talkie from their belt and spoke into it.

While Thea couldn't hear what the person was saying, they were talking in English. Caden could definitely hear the man saying something along the lines of 'two armed unknown individuals in costumes are approaching. What do we do?'

The person on the other side who responded was none other than Martin Somers, who said to kill them as no one else was expected and to clean it up afterward.

This caused Caden to snicker a bit, which was muffled beneath his scarf. He raised his crossbow, and as he drew back the string and locked it into place, a bolt of deadly aquatic green flames formed as a result.

Thea herself then pulled back her own drawstring, summoning an arrow equivalent to his bolt.

"How many do you see that are armed?" He asked, glancing at her from the corner of his eye.

Thea looked back at him when he asked this and giggled a bit, "About twelve, we picking targets?"

Caden shrugged at the question hearing her sounding a bit optimistic about this gig. Though he knew she was making up for her uneasy feelings of killing other people. Killing definitely changes people, even if you don't know the person you put down. "I prefer it to be a bit impersonal," he pulled the trigger as three men came out from within a large metal container.

The force alone sent the three men in suits right back into the container, which would then explode outward with aquatic greenish-blue flames. Everything within the container had been quickly reduced to near-nothingness before the targets even had time to scream.

The other nine all paused and stood where they were. Many of them had handguns and only a couple had fully automatics.

They were completely hesitant with going at these two individuals they had no idea about. Their weapons were destructive and they killed three people without hesitation or even direct confrontation. It was clear these people came here to eliminate the operation.

The two men raised their fully automatic weapons to their hip and open fired. They didn't aim necessarily well, as the bullets went pretty much in every direction.

A wooden crate next to Caden, only a few inches away, burst into pieces as its contents combusted due to being penetrated by a bullet. He simply looked over at it casually before looking over at Thea with a brow raised.

He watched as a bullet smacked her right in the chest, causing her to stumble back as the suit absorbed the majority of the force behind it. Then the bullet simply plopped to the ground.

"That... Kinda tickled," Thea said a bit in shock that she had just been shot and yet she wasn't hurt. It literally felt like someone threw a ball at a safety net and she was hit with a very slow ball.

"Happens," Caden responded with a roll of his eyes watching as she released her arrow towards the enemies which were moving closer. They were currently out of the effective range of the pistols, and considering the rain, accuracy wasn't the best either way.

The moment the arrow was released, steam could be seen in the air following it unlike the faster bolt. When it made it halfway between the duo and the remaining nine, it split into three and splashed upon the two men with the machine guns and one of the men with a pistol at the ready.

They tried rolling on the ground, screaming in pain, but within a few seconds they had turned to pale white ashes. It was just like the incident at the Pharmaceuticals Company, and at least one of them noticed this.

"Holy shit... These are the ones that–!" In the blink of an eye, a blur of movement, Caden was standing directly in front of the man holding the walkie talkie in his free hand.

The men on either side of the man turned and put their guns to the boy's head and pulled the trigger. However the moment they did, the bullets bounced off his hood and ripped through their foreheads point blank.

With a sickening fleshy plop on the wet ground, Caden cackled, his voice overlapping with that of a dragon's. His eyes began to glow beneath the hood, allowing them to be seen within the eye holes of the dragonoid visor.

"No... No please..." The man backed into the six others who shoved him forward. "Mph..." The man grunted as the boy's hand traveled through his chest and out his back, holding the man's heart.

The last six men pulled up their guns and opened fire, most of their bullets just going into the body of the man they accidentally sacrificed. After about fifteen rounds each, they all went to reload at the same time. Caden dropped the body as he took the dead man's gun and raised it.


"Son of a..."


"Not cool man..."

Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang, Bang! He pulled the trigger consecutively six times, each one taking a head of the henchmen working under Somers. Killing them easily without much problem.

He glanced over his shoulder towards Thea who was slowly walking up to him. A few feet away from him, she dropped the bow and allowed it to dissipate to nothingness.

She reached out her arms and wrapped them around his shoulders. "Mmmm..." She groaned as she could feel the rain pelting at her suit. "So how do we know if he is in the building?" She whispered quietly as she moved to be in front of him.

Suddenly there was a loud pop sound, it didn't come from too far away. He instantly flicked his eyes over towards the warehouse window, at the top floor on a catwalk of the inside.

Thea was sent flying forward into him and sending them both down to the ground as they collided with one another. They both laid there for a few moments, Thea coughing quietly and restricting her own movement to avoid being shot a second time.

"You okay...?" Caden murmured with an awkward chuckle as her scarf had fallen revealing her lips being just centimeters away from his concealed ones.

"Yeah... That bullet packed quite the punch..." She muttered quietly as she glanced over at a large object that looked like a crushed can. It was an extremely large bullet. "I think it left a bruise."

Shaking his head slightly, he would gently remove her from his person and lay her down on the ground as he fixed the scarf over her mouth. "You can still feel your toes right?" He asked, Thea immediately nodding as she wiggled them within her armored boots. "Good."

Pulling back the string and cables of his crossbow, he took an inhumanly deep breath, allowing him to see the pheromones and scents of things accurate even within the rain. He was able to see through the walls of the building and even identify the target based on his build and biological architecture alone.

He saw a total of six men surround one man at a desk, and then there was a single individual in the window who was rubbing their shoulder. They had dropped the gun after firing it, it was clear they weren't prepared to use the weapon. It must have been a panic shot.

Shaking his head slightly, Caden took aim, but he didn't precisely aim for the target himself. The idea was to destroy the Port Starling Company and kill its CEO.

Thea pulled herself over to the walkie talkie as Somers was speaking through it, asking for a man named Timothy Grey to respond. She picked it up and pressed the send button down, "You have failed this City *Cough* Mister Marin Somers..." The moment she released the speak button, Caden pulled the trigger of his crossbow.

The bolt as a blur, ripped through the man on the catwalk and sent him flying straight into the ceiling. Suddenly an explosion engulfed the interior of the warehouse. The structural integrity was nearly immediately compromised and caved inward; crushing and vaporizing all those inside. The metal parts of the roofing and structural components had all melted and hardened within seconds of the collapse.

There were no survivors.

"Criminals, thee shalt not be forgiven, until thou art hanged." Caden spoke in partial archaic English before turning his attention to Thea. Reaching down, he tucked one arm under her knees and another behind her back before picking her up bridal style.

She buried her face into his wet chest, her visor and mask protecting her from the heaven's tears. The wind quickly spiraled around them as tendrils before they suddenly vanished into thin air with a flash of light.