'Like Teen Spirit

The two had gone back to the car, silently. The side of Caden's head seemed to be a bright red, an imprint of a petite hand planted across his cheek. Anyone who looked close enough, could probably swear they saw steam leaving the superficial wound. Afterall, he had made a joke of the question she had asked him, she didn't feel like digging. At least not until they got the car. She wasn't going to talk of the gun being shot at them, the bullets being destroyed two feet away from their faces. Yet, she truthfully wanted to know what he was, who he was, and how he did those things.

When they got to the car, Caden opened the door for her to step inside, right before the driver could do so himself. Like a gentleman, he took her hand and took her inside and followed suit.

Once they were situated, the Driver closed the door for them and then climbed into the vehicle himself. He positioned the rear mirror to look at the couple, then started the engine. Pulling the car back out of the parking zone, he made his way to the mainstreet. "Where to next, Miss?"

Queen looked up at the man when he asked where they were going next. "Jade Dragon Restaurant," she responded without thought or hesitation. She enjoyed their chinese breakfast menu, though she rarely went there for it.

"It looks like I get to pay for a date this time," he snickered quietly as he patted the pocket which held his wallet.

Raising a brow, it seemed they had already gone on a date before, which she found interesting. Thea looked out the window as they continued to drive, their positions having changed, as Caden was now looking at the back of her head.

"So how did you do it?" Thea Queen asked quietly and glanced over at him, only turning her head to the side slightly before turning her sights to the environment outside.

Caden smiled quietly, "A protective ward," He stated as he tugged her from the window so that she would face him.

She raised a brow hearing this and almost laughed as if it was some sort of joke. However what other way to explain it other than magic? She looked over his face to see that Caden was entirely serious. "And where is this ward?" She asked as she followed his eyes which were answering the question.

"Try feeling your ribs," Caden stated as he would reach over and undo a single button on her pea coat.

Blinking a few times, as if he was insane, she would peal her peacoat open and feel her ribs. She paused the moment she felt a strange texture along her bones. They felt like characters of somesort, words or letters of unknown language that wasn't quite english.

The driver was somewhat confused, he pretty much swore they were talking about magic. He glimpsed back at Thea when she was feeling her ribs and raised a brow.

"When did you put this there... How?" She asked as she looked up at him, then toward the hand which was holding her left now.

"The world as you know it is very big," Caden said in one of the most cliche ways possible. "Magic is one of the many things that are incredibly real and is sought after by many people..."

Thea kept her gaze locked on him, as if he were going to disappear from her, and that her gaze was the only thing keeping him anchored in this spot. "So you can use magic...?" Her eyes trailed over to the Driver who was wearing shades and paying attention to the road now. She then turned her sights back on Caden. "Did you erase my memory?"

"Extracted on your request," Caden responded with the truth and only the truth. She wanted her memory erased, so he completely removed it from her mind. "Do you want me to give it back?"

"No," she answered without hesitation. Thea didn't want her memory back if she herself had requested for it to be removed. He hadn't given her any reason to distrust him, and since he appeared to be protecting her, she had all the reason to trust him.

"I'll tell you more later then," Caden smiled at her passionately as he pecked the back of her hand in a princely manner. "My Queen."

"Too Sweet..." She uttered as she squeezed his fingers between her own. His insides were dense, it as like squeezing a cushion with a hard interior base. It was obviously harder than regular bone, she doubted if he were to lay on top of her, that she could even lift him.

The two made small talk all the way down to the core of Starling City, where the driver would pull into the parking lot closest to the Jade Dragon Restaurant. The two would then climb out of the vehicle.

"I'll be back around eleven to pick you two up," The driver stated as he looked at Caden for a moment, his eyes piercing right through him before the man who was suppose to be her bodyguard drove off after letting them out.

Caden and Thea just stood there holding hands, watching awkwardly as the bodyguard had left them alone. What was the point of having a bodyguard if he wasn't around?

"Why is your bodyguard leaving?" Caden asked as he looked over at Thea who was as equally confused and shrugged at him. He then shrugged himself as the two of them crossed the street at the corner and made their way over to the restaurant.

Ironically as they were walking up to the establishment, John Constantine came walking out with his hands in his pockets. He went to take out a cig before pausing and looking at the two whom were approaching.

"Oooh... Hey Lad, Lass. I see the phenomenon didn't affect your good olde' relationship," He snickered slightly, "I seem to have misplaced my lighter." He leaned towards Caden, as if asking for him to light it up.

"Who is the Brit?" Thea asked as she looked over at Caden, chuckling as the mood was a bit off.

"Oh," Caden huffed and sent a small flame onto the tip of the cigarette, lighting it with ease. The tip glowing a greenish color as he did so. "This is John Constantine... Demonologist, Exorcist and Master of the Dark Arts."

"Mmmm... More so dabbler in the Arts. I'm getting the card changed," he said with a snicker of his own before looking over Thea. "She was affected though it seems."

"No.. She had me erase her memory," Caden corrected with a frown, caressing her hand with his thumb as he held it close to his side.

John raised his head a bit as he heard this, taking in a puff or two. "I see," raised his brows and looked her over. "That's a pretty hefty protection spell you have on her. Think I could get a copy?"

Smiling smug, Caden looked at John who raised a brow of his own. "You want to be tied to a Dragon?"

"Oh... So your own life force is the medium? Hu-huh, sounds rather useful. Rather shabby," Constantine grinned at the young couple before patting the boy's shoulder. "By the way, why did you give me your flame, boy?"

"For when you encounter the time demon called Mallus inhabiting a young girl, and later on down the road, when you encounter Neron." Caden responded with a deadpan expression on his face as if he had gotten annoyed by the patting on his shoulder.

John simply stared at the boy as he spoke of the two powerful demons, then looked to the sky. It was as if the angels of heaven had gifted him something.

"Also, if you encounter an angel named Manny, kill it." Caden stated blatantly as he went to move past Constantine with Thea in tow. It was very clear that he didn't like the Angel, that or the Angel wasn't someone to be trusted; considering he would be the one to cause the Darkness Rising.


The two of them found themselves seated at a black wood panel table with a foot wide red cloth vertically across it, hanging of evenly on either side. It was relatively different from before, as it was in a different section of the restaurant.

"So you're a Dragon?" Thea asked as they were seated and looking over the breakfast menu. "You said he'd have to be tied to a dragon, right?"

Caden nodded slightly, "Dragon Lord," he flexed his eyes slightly as he looked across the table at her with warmth.

She tilted her head forward, her forehead casting a shadow over her eyes as she did so. "Dragon Lord?" She asked curiously, it sounded like something a nerd would say. Or that it was some sort of ultimate big bad boss at the end of a videogame.

"Aye, I'm the Alpha of Dragonkin." He glanced over towards the waitress who placed a pair of steaming green ceramic tea cups in front of the two of them. It was Oo-long tea.

The waitress however seemed to dismiss his talking for common childish antics, the imagination of a middle schooler; or someone with the Eighth Grade Syndrome, something commonly called chuunibyou by the Japanese, often referenced to in Anime. Ironically he was telling the truth rather than pretending or being mentally unstable.

Thea nodded slowly as she wrapped her fingers around the cup, feeling the warmth of the tea.

"You know we could have went to Big Belly Burger," He tilted his head to the side slightly, he knew her favorite food was fries, she liked the Harry Potter Series, she was already adept at archery, she was a popular individual and had an obsession with Art in two to three years.

She squinted at him slightly as it seemed he knew something about her she didn't remember telling him. Though then again, from what he said earlier, he erased her memory. "We'll go there for lunch, on me, since you're paying for my second breakfast."

"Second breakfast," he uttered with a titter of his own before leaning into his chair. "What'd you think of the food I made you anyways?" Caden asked as he looked up at her with a brow raised.

"It was pretty good," Thea said with a light nod with her lower lip pursed.

Caden smirked, "Fantastic," he said as he took a sip of his hot cup of tea, placing it down on the table shortly afterward. "Eggs on an Island is my favorite, especially when the eggs are sunny-side up." He liked it when the eggs were runny, but he also always liked his meat rare and red. "My dad used to like his steaks bleeding though," he snickered at this as if he was reminiscing with the past nostalgically.