Moving In

It was September, a few days before Caden Price's Birthday. He was walking along the side of the a major avenue in the core of Starling City with a young teen, Thea Queen at his side, with their arms hooked together. In his free hand which swayed side to side at his left, a pair of keys with the written address on its chain.

She was dressed in a black European blazer style waistcoat sleeveless jacket over a frilled dark red dress shirt with a pair of black 70's waist belted pocket utility shorts. Her hair was straightened and tucked behind an ear on one side.

Her green irises were tracing over the people who were watching them. She was popular with people, especially on social media. There were those who recognized her, some who didn't.

Yet she wasn't looking for anything in particular. She was enjoying the feeling of being beside him, even if he was a Dragon, it felt as if she was being guided along by a Knight in shining armor. Not that she actually needed him to guide her.

As they approached the address on the keychain, they paused and looked up at the tall white building with black glass. It was one massive building that had commercial flats.

"This was the place set aside for me?" Caden raised a brow as he looked over the building, he felt like an ant despite his true size doing the same to the building.

She shrugged slightly when he had said that this was the place, she was curious of why he was confused. "You did say at some point that they had a sizable fund put aside for you," Thea said as she tucked her hands into her pockets. "Welcome to the Land of the Rich," she'd say sarcastically as she tugged him aside, as their arms were still hooked together.

Caden caught off guard stumbled and followed her over to what looked like a terminal with a get slot in it. He looked at the key he had been given by Darhk and then towards the hole on the terminal.

Tilting his head slightly he would slip the key in and turn, four numbers appeared on the screen, and then the doors slid open. They both looked at the retro design. The building seemed to be heavily influenced by futurism in design, which they could quickly tell when they walked inside.

Everything was geometrically inclined with rectangular and triangular prisms, the walls were panelled in white, the floor was a waxed black synthetic organic compound. The retro light paintings on the walls, even the furniture all fit the theme of the scene.

Looking to the ground, he stared at the hexagonal shaped carpeting, "Interesting..." He said before looking to the elevator. "Room 414," he said as he looked at the room layout diagram beside it. "Fourth Floor, section two."

Thea had since slithered her arm out from around his and walked over to the receptionist desk. There was no one there, but she was rather curious of the design as it was a combination of plain geometric shapes.

"Do you use the same key to get into your room that you used to open the front door?" Thea asked as she'd then turn back towards Caden who shrugged.

"It doesn't come with an instruction manual," he responded with a snicker before taking out his wallet. He hadn't been to the apartment he had learned about and gained from meeting with Damien.

Just as she was about to retort to his sarcastic response, Thea was interrupted by a door snapping and closing with a quiet click.

Both of them quickly turned their heads towards a woman wearing a refined collared white-blue blouse, navy blue bow tie and a matching skirt. Thea and Caden both raised their brows, almost in complete unison, as their eyes moved to the gold name tag on her left breast that said 'Petra.'

"Welcome Home, Young Master." The Japanese Accent sounded a little off, but when he looked up at her, he could tell by the facial structure that she was indeed from Japanese ancestry.

The woman behind the desk had a tight ponytail, which brought out a lot of her feminine features and a relatively large forehead. She had big eyes, a small chin and her ears were outward and facing forward.

If she didn't have a ring on her finger, he would have assumed she was under the age of eighteen. She was rather petite, though could be considered underfed.

"Young Master?" Caden asked as he stepped over to the desk, tilting his head to the side slightly. He felt an odd familiarity towards her, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"You're the son of our founder, Isabel Price, aren't you? I took care of you once when you were small..." The woman pitched her head down slightly, eying him. "You're room 414. I'll get you your room key." She stated as she opened a drawer in the desk and took out a blank card.

She swiped it through a computer system, while remaining standing and typed in some information. Once the light on the scanner turned green, she handed him the card after stamping it with some ink. "Here is your Key, enjoy your stay."

Petra's eyes flickered over to Thea for a moment before looking to the elevator. The door opened for them as she would take a step back from the desk and pull out her chair to sit down.

Thea and Caden just looked her for a few seconds before walking over to the elevator and pressing a button. The doors swiftly closed and they began their ascent to the fourth floor.

"Your mother was the founder of this place?" Thea asked as she looked over at him with a brow raised. "And you didn't know?"

Caden shrugged slightly, "I mean, I did get stabbed in the back of the head. So it's likely that I lost some information?" He snickered a bit though he didn't sound nervous, it was as if he was just brushing it off.

"Back of the Neck," Thea corrected his narrative which he had told her quite a few times now after he reassured at one point, he was most definitely human at one point.

"Right below the brainstem," Caden added as he shook his head as he stared at the lighting emplacement on the ceiling. "It's really weird how everything is minimalistic and based around futurism in this building. I don't remember having any italian heritage."

"Maybe she was just a fan?" Thea laughed when he spoke of how his mother's company building was built with the italian futurism architecture.

He smiled a bit as his girlfriend made an assumption, but he could see she had basis to believe so. People don't just build things a certain way for no reason.

The way futurism was used here was definitely to make the place appeasing to the eye, and to appear to be for high clientele. He didn't mind it though, except for when there was too much like in a room with white walls. It was blinding, which he was thankful for the other buildings in the city blocking some of the natural lighting.

When they got to the fourth floor, they waltzed out holding each other's hands, and looked down either end of the corridor. It was an irregular shape, the walls still appeared to have panels separated into squares by thin black lines like down on the base floor.

"I think this place needs a bit more color..." Caden would tittered to himself, shaking his head, as he scratched the back of his neck.

Thea ran an empty hand along the wall as she found the sign pointing in one direction which had an arrow and some numbers indicating that apartments 400 to 420 were down in that direction.

Caden followed her as he kept his fingers intertwined with hers. She seemed to be acting like a tow truck, pulling him along, as he looked over each of the doors they passed. The scents he were taking in were few, there weren't that many people living on this floor. Though on some of the other floors they were widely packed with people of various backgrounds.

There were plenty of businessmen and women here from various companies within the City. There were even some crooks and a high caliber assassin present. "This is quite the place..."

Thea looked over at him with a brow raised as she stopped at the door, without saying a word she swiped his card from his person and stuck the card into the lock. A few seconds later, the door beeped and popped open.

"I am curious, after all these months of getting that key, why didn't you check the place out?" She asked as she looked over at him, leaning on one hip as she held the keycard back over to him.

Taking the card with two fingers, Caden shrugged slightly. "I prefer sleeping in the same room as you," Caden responded with an awkward one-sided smile, showing off a deep dimple. He then took the first few strides into the room with her in tow this time.

It was a very empty flat with what looked like a bedroom on one side, and open dining room in the center by the windows, and a Kitchen on the left. The bathroom was closest to the door, and the landry room was on the adjacent side. The apartment itself appeared to be in the shape of an upside down cross.

The dining room consisted of a dark black wood table, an empty china cubert on the right and several bookcases on the left. The center of the mainroom was the common area, it was in a circular sunken floor with a single stair to step down into. Unlike the rest of the room which had the same black compound floors, it was dark wood and alabaster grey carpet.

Found in the circle was a modular half-circle couch and a flat screen television which had been recently upgraded and still had the protective film over the screen as it had been sitting for over a year.

As the two entered the bedroom, to peer inside, there was a single king size waterbed with grey sheets... it matched the carpet in the common area. There was also a long dresser which took up one side of the room. There was a wardrobe and a computer desk on the other side of the room, along with a pair of filing cabinets.

"I can't wait to fill this place with clutter..." Caden uttered as he saw the setup, everything was plain and orderly.

"You're going to turn your apartment into my bedroom? Clothes everywhere, stinky socks on the couch, coat hanging over the corner of the TV?" Thea remarked sarcastically with a giggle snort, gently shoving him to the side as she walked into the kitchen. She ran had hand along the island before pulling herself up and sitting on it.

When they had gone into the kitchen, the cabinets were as white as the walls, the counters hung freely from the walls without cabinets below. There was a refrigerator with a window to see inside and a flat top electric stove.

"I mean, a messy room is sign of genius. If it gets too cleaned up, it'll mess up my equilibrium," Caden said with a snarky tone in return, walking over as he placed his hands on the edge of the counter beside either side of her hips.

Thea cupped her hands on his cheeks as she leaned forward, pressing her forehead against his. She smiled quietly as she could feel the warmth of his skin on the palms of her hands, the tips of her fingers. "So... Your birthday is next week, right?" She shifted on the island, the cold metallic surface bushing against the bellies of her thighs. "I noticed you don't like the big parties," she leaned down further, her cheek skimming against his as she sniffed the scent of the cologne he wore.

He smelled like celery, it was alcohol based. "So we having a party of two?" She asked letting her nose brush against her as she went to face him.

"Hmm..." Caden hummed thoughtfulled as he pressed his face into her shoulder as she was turning her head to look at him. "Alcohol, no drugs, herbs such as the dubious devil's cabbage is an exception."

Thea raised a brow as she felt him rest the side of his head on her shoulder, looking up at her as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "You really are into being drug dry, aren't you?"

"Quite possibly," Caden purred as he pulled her closer to himself, slowly closing his eyes as he listened to her heartbeat closely.