Chapter 2 On the road

Mr. Cliff is driving on a top speed, so as to meet up before the plane

takes off

- Mrs. Cliff – Take it easy honey, we still gonna get there in time. The

time's just 7:35

- Mr. Cliff – Yeah and that's the reason why we have to move faster dear

- Mrs. Cliff – So when we get to California, what's the first place you

think we should visit (she asked to deviate from the former topic


- Mr. Cliff – When we get there, I suggest we rest first .......

- Mrs. Cliff – (looked at him inquisitively) Gosh, we always rest, you're

really strange. (after sometimes) Ok after your hell loads of rest, where

we gonna visit.

- Mr. Cliff – (smiled) I suggest we rest again.

- Mrs. Cliff – Oh my! What the fuck

(both burst out laughing)

Mr. Cliff speed on, they are now on the cliff side of the mountain

above them. Mr. Cliff turned a sharp bend and was met by a rock lying on the

road, he applied brake but it was too late as another rock fell off from the

cliff, hitting the extreme of the car bonnet. Thereby making the car to

summersault into the valley. There was a blackout.