Chapter 16 In the street

In the street

In the house of the president's driver. Travis is one of the seven-man

gang. The door was opened as Travis pointed a pistol on the person that

opened the door, the person withdrew back in fear. Travis entered the house

with five other gun men, the family were packed up at the back of the truck

they came with and moved off

In another street

The same truck parked at the entrance of the house, this is the house

of the president's personal security, the same thing that happened in the

driver's house unfolded also at the president's personal security house. They

packed all in the back of the same truck, locked them up and drove away to

an unknown destination.

In youngvin's house

Youngvin is seen preparing for work as his phone rang. He took it and

looked at it, it showed Lucy calling

- Youngvin – Hello baby, how you doing today

- Lacy – (on the other end) am fine dear, do you have any appointment


- Youngvin – Emm, I have an investigation to carry out today, but it's

gonna be brief. Wanna meet up?

- Lacy – Yeah, but em, can I help with the investigation

- Youngvin – (rubbed his forehead) you must be busy in the office, so

relax, don't stress yourself much

- Lacy – I do be free for now

- Youngvin – Ok (he made for his living room as he's still answering call)

- Lacy – Call me when you done

- Youngvin – Ok dear, see you later

(he dropped the phone as he took up his jacket that is lying on his sofa

and wore it on top of his skin tight vest his wearing, took Mr. Terry's photo

that he packaged in an envelope and left the house