Chapter 21 On the event day

On the D-day

On the streets

The final day is here, today being the presidential speech day,

which the President decided not to speak from his office, rather he

decided to meet the citizens out on the street and have a hearty

conversation with the citizens of the country.

The street is filled with people as well as security operatives

everywhere. Barricades and blockades are being set up here and there to

hold back the mass that is trooping in, banners and placards are waving

from many hands as they are all wishing the president well. The

environment is filled up with noise as people are chattering all around.

The building top also shows security operatives standing guard. It all went

on for minutes showing the happy citizens

in youngvin's house

Youngvin is in his house with his television on, which is showing

live, the presidential speech that is about to begin. His phone rang and he

picked it up

- Boss – Youngvin

- Youngvin – Good day Sir

- Boss – Meet me at the presidential villa right away immediately

- Youngvin – Yes Sir

- Boss – And on suit (cuts the call)

In the presidential villa

After some minutes, Youngvin arrived the presidential villa, as he

entered the house with his Boss who has been waiting outside for him. They

entered the building as they met the president who asked his Boss some

questions inaudibly before turning to Youngvin smiling

- President – So you are the Youngvin

- Youngvin – Yes Sir (taking the president's hand in a warm handshake)

President – (smiling) am glad you decided to take after your father

- Youngvin – Yes Sir, but am just living my dream

- President – I would like you all to accompany me to the speech

(the president went ahead as they made way for him, the driver and

personal security passed Youngvin. Youngvin saw the earpiece on the

driver's ear but saw the normal security earpiece on the president's


Outside the presidential villa

When they came outside, the security entered their cars, as the

President's personal security made to enter the president's limo,

Youngvin saw the same earpiece that looks familiar with the drivers

own in his other ear. After some seconds, Youngvin entered the last

entourage leaving the building as his Boss is in the second one in front