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Chapter 23 The Arrival

The arrival

The president's car arrived the street as they keep on moving in

line from St. Beverly to Crown Jones street. Meanwhile inside the president's

car, the unknown voice is communicating to the president's driver and

security at the same time through their earpiece

- Unknown – You're getting to the final phase of the work, so, a job well-

done gonna be received by you at the end (after a while) I know you

will be wondering who the second person is, or how to execute the

task. Don't panic for you both are in it, and when I say you both, I mean

the two of you inside the president's car. (that moment turned into a

moment of shock and dismay as both kept on looking at each other

through the mirror of the car)

Showing the cars

The cars queued into St. Beverly street and kept on moving, as they

were going, the president's car entered into position, as the president back

seat entered in as well right on top of the tunnel. The man on the roof

released his RPG as it hit the first car which went up in flames. All cars came

to a halt as the enemies in the crowd immediately released their guns and

opened fire, the securities in the cars came down and started firing back

also. The sporadic shooting went on as many among the enemy and the

security were dropping dead.

Inside the car

Immediately the first car was hit, the unknown voice talked to the


- Unknown Voice – Knock the president out and open the space under

for my boys

The president who noticed the look and hesitant movement of his

security made to open the door as the security drew him back and hit him,

the president hit him back as he didn't black out immediately. Struggle

ensued between the security and the president. The president hit him as

the enemy earpiece fell off from the security's ear, the security made the

final dash and knocked the president out.


The seven-man gang moved up the ladder one after the other as

they pushed the tunnel cover aside and knocked beneath the car

Inside the car

The security raised up the car rug and opened the underground space

created in the car. From under the car, Tony and one other gang member

came inside the car. They carried the president down as other members carried the president. Tony turned to the security and parted him on the

shoulder as he gave the driver a thumbs up through the mirror and went

down the hole immediately. The president's security closed the space and

arranged the rug, then fell down and lay breathing hard. The earpiece was

lying some meters away from him.


The gang carried the president going away. Hamburg's coin fell,

he didn't bother to pick it up as they were in a hurry to leave. They gave

their leader the word

- Tony – We are done

Out in the crown jones street

After some seconds of the successful kidnapping, all the enemy

shooters began to drop dead one after the other, as the security guys

stopped shooting and stared in amusement. Immediately, an explosion was

heard inside the president's car as everybody rushed there. They opened the

car quietly as while guns where pointed to the car. When they finally opened

the door, they were met by a sore sight, as the driver's head was shred in

pieces and the security lying unconscious at the back and part of his face

bleeding. A little fire was burning beside him, they offed it, looked around the

car for the president but couldn't find him. They finally gave out the word

- Security 1 – The president has been kidnapped