Mother Hen

Continuing to cry the precious little baby was slowly beginning to run out of energy. However, thankfully someone had heard her cries.

A short lady clearly in her winter years had heard the commotion the baby was making and went to investigate. She was stunned by the cuteness of the child and had thought to herself aloud, "she will surely become quite beautiful when she grows up, perfect to sell away to some rich fool." Muttered the old lady with a devious smile on her face.

Blinded by her greed she missed the glint that had appeared in the child's eyes for a moment, one could say it reeked of evil.

And so, unknowingly the old lady had already sealed her fate on that seemingly insignificant day.


Months passed by and the child, now named Mary, could be seen running around a small cabin on the outskirts of the city. "Mommy, mommy look it's a bird!"

"Wow isn't that amazing dear?" Said the old lady sounding genuinely surprised as part of her act.

Mary thought to herself as she hid a sinister smile under her small hands, "Continue acting while you still can you greedy bastard, I swear on my previous grave that you will suffer."

Hiding her innermost thoughts she continued to run around to build her stamina. Few would look into her reason for building her stamina. After all no one would ever expect a 3 year old child to be so sanely deranged. Especially not such a cute little one like her.


Days had passed since then. And while she was on a trip to the slums she had heard a pathetically weak boy around the age of 7 scream to his parents about becoming something called a hunter. With her ignorance, and decent intuition or rather imagination. She had concluded that a hunter must be one of two things someone who hunts animals or, of course her favorite assumption, someone who hunts humans.

Using the reactions of the people around her, their eyes looking at the boy with disdain, she had concluded these two things. Mary also knew that this could have also been because the boy was just despised as he seemed like a brat. But, even if she was wrong, particularly about a hunter hunting other human beings, she took pleasure in her fantasies.

It was better to remain ignorant of the truth and have a goal to work for than to lose that goal upon discovering the truth. In her previous life, because of the law and way the world thought, even if she had worked in killing others she would never gain the same pleasure she did when carrying out her games normally. It was limited with how much pain she could enact on others in that line of work. "What good is it if I can't add my own creativity into their final moments?" She would think.

As she continued to carry out her errands on the trip she replayed the scene over and over, "Hunter" no matter how long she mulled over it the more it stuck with her. It resonated with something she had been trying to ignore over the last couple of months. For some unknown reason she could feel an aura like power around many, for some it was weak, this included the elderly and the ill, and for others, well she could almost feel waves of aura surging, colliding with her small figure. It let off the feeling of power she craved and needed to begin her games. Although she could not see it she instinctively knew that gaining control of, said aura would strengthen her dramatically.

Over the next few months she had tried her hardest to move it to her will, she had done various exercises to force her body to try to use it. This included a "tough" workout routine and putting herself in life threatening situations.

One of these life threatening situations included jumping into the river near the city. Although she knew how to swim she made sure her arms were near unusable by binding them together with an old belt. Thankfully, because of the terrible quality of the belt, her life was saved, and she was rewarded with a small gift. She could feel that her aura had been slightly awakened. Despite her increase in power, she had no way of defeating her "mother" yet. As an experienced "merchant" she of course needed some strength of her own, lest her product fight against her.

In the end, as some say, "you reap what you sow" because of threatening her life with her experiments she was punished by being locked in the cellar for two weeks. In that dark place her hate and anger for that beast called mother grew with each passing second just waiting to be released at any given moment.