Nen ideas

Let me know on which abilities you'd like to see.

Isolation - 1 vs 1 only, power grows the further away from ppl

Rage of the beast - gains the powers of wild animals seen by the user

Blood letting - healing nen, basically karin uzumaki

Shining justice - hero nen type, light based attacks, stronger against evil people, final move = sword of light, Excalibur

Tower of the fallen - defensive type, uses the corpses of enemies killed before to create a near impenetrable defense, can also be used as an attack by overloading the tower with nen to shoot out shrapnel of nen enhanced bone fragments

Combo star - double damage each square, 4 hits = 2X damage 9 hits = 4x damage, etc.

Nature's Voice - commands the nature around the user to attack.

Mineral absorption - weak in the beginning, the user absorbs different metals to strengthen the body, with a large amount of nen the metals can be shot out with extreme power

Full bloom - A one shot cannon, the user charges all their nen into a flower, if the beam hits the wound is guaranteed to be fatal (landing it would be decided by a random number generator 1-20, 15 And 18 is a hit)

Clockwork - stop time for 1 second at a cost (1 second = 1 year of their lifespan) cannot attack with nen when time is stopped.

Toy box - (actual toys) using nen the user stores it within toys, bringing them to life until they run out of nen.

Shoreline - basic water type attacks (more nen more water)

Triple threat - (would go with a multiple personality) One personality would control fire, another ice, and the final one would control darkness

Lucky Pull - (crazy slots but with 9 other nen abilities of your choosing)

Ranger - Master with a bow, shoots nen arrows and can summon familiars to attack

Dead Silence - making a sound would injure whoever makes it, must be placed in a certain area ahead of time due to the long amount of time needed to set up the area

Flame lord igneet - Lord of the flames, stronger against those who are considered "good" by the user

Colony - millions of tiny nen beasts attack, individually weak, good for scouting.

Yellow jacket - user can use a wasp nest/bee hive to store items or people ( 6 meters wide/long and 7 meters high ) Can also use the bees to attack (shrapnel of bee stingers, smoke screen, etc.)