True forest of illusion

Hell, it was the only way to describe Mary's current situation. No, it wasn't quite yet hell for her, it was merely a game of chase she was losing. Injured and tired she continued to run, run as fast as she could. There was no time to think about how tired she was, for even a moment of rest would leave her open to be attacked. Mary needed to keep going for just 5 and a half days.

It was one hour later when the forest changed into its true form, Mary was still running away from the demon when she began to hear its steps all around her. "It must have gotten tired of chasing me," thought Mary. Readying herself she brought out her knife and positioned herself near multiple trees as cover. From the trees she could see multiple of the demon dog, along with a familiar figure. "This can't be happening! How? I pierced your heart!"

"Now, my sweet little Mary, that's all in the past. Come home with mom and we can start all over again." Called out the figure

"I'd never go back with you you bastard! Even if you were alive I'd just kill you once again."

Despite being in a world of nen, with her shallow understanding of how it works. She had concluded that one could not raise the dead without a price, and to her Elizabeth's price had not been paid. It was all an illusion, but it was an illusion that could harm her.

"Mary I'm not going to tell you again, come home with me now!" Yelled the illusion. Blood began to flow from her eyes and mouth, her body began to change into the monstrosity Mary had made. "You've been a very bad girl! It's time I punish you."

As if on signal the multiple demons attacked as one, Mary was able to avoid most of the illusory dog's attacks, however the "ghost" of Elizabeth managed to grab her. It screamed in Mary's ears, but Mary didn't hear the scream from her ears, it was as though the ghost was screaming in her mind.

Mary's eyes began to cry tears of blood, pain penetrated the deepest parts of her mind, trying to drag her to despair. Wiping away the blood, she knew without nen she'd die where she stood. And so it began to flow, a pure white nen began to pour out from her body, it was the gentle white of snow, yet its power seemed akin to a blizzard. It had disrupted the illusion, but it was not enough, the demon dog still remained. The roles had been switched, its time for the hunted to become the hunter.


"How can she disrupt my illusion like that? It doesn't stop until the affected individual goes insane, well at least the strongest one still remains." Said Zecht

"You know Zecht there is one thing you're just not realizing about the little runt."

"If you could enlighten me that would be great. Although you know she did break your rule."

"For starters Zecht, it was more of a warning than a rule, and secondly, you can't make somebody who is already insane, crazy. Despite only knowing her for 5 days I know she isn't just a little girl, that thing is the devil."

"Funny coming from you, well regardless the final illusion doesn't make one insane, it breaks them."


Deep within the forest a viscous battle had been raging on. The demon was unable to harm Mary, but Mary was unable to inflict a fatal wound on the animal. Trees had been ripped up from the ground, Nearby animals had all already been massacred by the many illusions of the forest.

"What the hell are you made of?" Shouted Mary. It only made sense that she was upset when using her aura her knife could cut through bones like butter. However, a knife is still only just a knife, while yes, it could cut, against a massive opponent it would not be a fatal wound. On top of that it's fur had the strength of steel so even being able to harm it was in itself a feat.

Upon saying those words the battle became even more ferocious. The demon losing blood had begun to attack wildly, if a single hit landed Mary would die. That was the impression the demon gave her. However, because it had lost all restraint it's defenses opened up more. It had become a mine field, with one wrong step and she would be blown to smithereens.

Finally, another 30 minutes had passed, the dog had collapsed and reverted back to its original form. As it senses it's approaching demise it did what any normal dog would do, it ran away.

"You think I'd let you just leave?" Yelled a panting Mary. She then threw her knife with the last of her strength and it pierced the Pomeranian's back. Mary had claimed victory.

In her celebration she heard a voice inside her mind. "Well done, you are very special. But to be able to defeat the demon dog is amazing."

"Who's there?" Yelled Mary

"I think the real question you should be asking is who are you? And I'm of course referring to yourself." Said the voice

"What are you talking about you bastard?" Mary said with her teeth grinding in anger.

"I mean exactly what I said, who are you? Inside of you there lies two souls, one in charge and the other one is slowly being destroyed by the first."

"That's not important right now what's important is who you are!"

"Who you are?" Asked the voice. "Truly, what a sad, pathetic thing. Do you miss your mother? Is that it or is it that you wish to play with your colorful toys?"

"Toys, I want to play with my toys." Answered Mary as a smile filled with bloodlust was plastered onto her face. "And you seem like the perfect toy to play with."