

The book of toys. It is a story of life and death, the fairytale of one with two minds. Within it lies 15 golden empty pages; the reaper's five pages of human puppets, and the fairy's pages of 10 friends. Both give life to the inanimate or the dead (A/N reaper = the dead, fairy = literal toys). The reaper's pages, however, are sinister in the sense that they require a price. Two requirements must be fulfilled in order to animate a corpse, the page must be inscribed with the corpse's blood when they were still alive and the person must be on death's door before the reaper can bind their soul and body to the page. Along with those two requirements the user of "Book of Toys" must write rules for the corpse before it can be used according to their wishes, however the rules may not go against the person's morals before they died. For example if the user was against killing children, the user may not write a rule saying "the person will kill whatever I command them to." The user instead, would need to write "the person will gravely injure whatever I command them to near the point of death." Once again this rule would not be allowed if the person was against torture or whatever they see as torture, but it would be allowed if they had no issues with it. Furthermore, the corpse will not rot no longer how much time passes, nor will it age. Food and drink would also be optional, but if consumed it will pass through the body as normal. It is also worth mentioning that until the user of the "Book of Toys" dies permanently, the souls of the corpses will forever be trapped in their jail of flesh and bones.


In a dark alley way a little girl could be see limping as a trail of blood followed her. "I guess I took more damage then I thought." Said Bloody Mary to herself. "Haha... I'm so glad I had a second chance at life, getting to play with new toys, growing stronger with my teacher. Although training was hell it was nice as a change of pace." Her skin grew paler and paler as dark bags formed under her eyes. "I think that sometimes I made too big of a mistake. I've come to the realization, through almost all of my life I've only truly seen red. And well, I want to see it even more!" She Smiled to herself as she collapsed onto the stone floor. "Book of Toys: Empty pages." From out of nowhere a book appeared. On the cover was the name of two authors, both named Mary. It was a small book, like a one designed for a single fairytale. Seemingly by itself the book turned to an empty page, on the very top of it there was a title, "The reaper's pages" With her last breath she inscribed her own blood onto the first page.

Next to her corpse a blinding light shown as something that resembled the grim reaper floated its way from the book to Mary's corpse. It spoke in a cryptic voice,

"F̸̨̔r̵̡̈́o̷̹͗m̸̭̄ ̶̫̿t̴̗̊h̸͕̀e̷͙͝ ̵͗ͅl̶͍̐ȍ̷̟w̶̘͌e̶͓̚r̴̪̂ ̵̤̽m̶̢̉ò̵̪ó̸̢n̸̯̍ ̷̙͌a̷̡͑ ̴͎̆b̸̟̋e̸̜̓l̵̤̄l̴͈̏ ̵̓͜c̶̱͑h̴͓̿i̸̘͂m̶̯̈ḙ̴̛ṡ̶̤ ̶̜̀4̸̻̇,

̸̳̕ ̷̢̃r̴̜̃i̴͇̅s̷͕̓ȅ̴̗ ̴̊͜o̵͙͂n̶̘̑c̶̟͋e̵̳̒ ̷̦̍ṁ̸̲o̴̭͝r̵͍̒é̵̜ ̶̝͒l̶̘̕i̶͓̋t̴̖͝t̸̬̃l̸͉̕e̸̛͈ ̶͚̈́d̸̰͌õ̴̗l̷̘̈́l̷͙̕ ̵̡̉

f̶͙̄ȏ̵̜r̷̞̈́ ̴̤̃b̸̞͊e̷̯̔f̵͚͝ȯ̵̖r̷͚̈́ȇ̴̤ ̸̧̈́t̴̟̚h̸̜̒e̴̲̓ ̵͍̌t̴̝̉h̴͍͘ȅ̶̯ ̵̖̊s̶͚̐û̵͇n̶̜͆ ̵̝͠r̶͖̍i̴̼͒s̴͕͌e̴̱͒s̵̞̐ ̵̻̍ṋ̸̋o̴̳͐ ̸͓̑m̵͈̃o̵̰͝r̷̺̀ḙ̵͌ ̶̬̇

t̴̘͝ĥ̷̥e̴̙̔ ̴̭͌r̶̘̍e̵͉̓á̸̹p̷͖̓è̶͕r̴̭̎ ̸̖͑w̸͙̔i̶̼̿l̴̗̆l̶̯͂ ̵͇̍ĉ̶̬ŏ̷̯m̸̞̒e̶̽ͅ ̵̫͆t̸͎̀o̶͓̓ ̵͕̇ċ̶̭o̸͚̎ļ̸͑l̷͚̋e̵̿͜c̶̥̈t̴̺̾ ̵͓̆h̴͚̓į̵͒s̸̫̅ ̸̬͛ţ̴͛ỏ̴̝l̵͙̾l̷̘̎.̴̹͋"

Suddenly Mary rose up from the ground in an inhumane fashion. Laughing maniacally to herself she yelled, "Ahh not even death can keep me down anymore!" She attempted to take a step, however she could not move her body. The book floated in front of her and a white box was shown underneath the name "Mary". It was a space for her to write rules for her corpse. In the box she began; "The body shall move according to my commands, wether they be by my mind, soul, or nen. As for rules, they are as follows: 1) the body may not refuse my commands. 2) it will follow my commands the moment they are issued wether they be issued by my nen, mentally or otherwise. Mary Smiled to herself believing that she was fully in control before she noticed that the word "my" was outlined in a red glow. Thinking nothing of it she tried to move once more and again she failed. Mary was of course confused, she had issued a command to move yet she did not. She went back to the rules and changed the "mys" to Mary's, this time however, the outline changed to a deep blue. Again she issued a command and yet again it failed. "Why!? Why won't my own body obey me?" She grew more and more frustrated before hearing a voice.

"Big sis! Have you already forgotten me?" Cried the voice, "You promised me I would be able to make friends!"

"Why should I have to keep my promise to someone like you?" Asked Bloody Mary.

"B-because I'm the original!"

"Ha! Don't make me laugh! Original? I'm the one who's been in charge of this body since the beginning."

"T-that's only because I wasn't strong enough to fight back! Now that you've killed us I should have a say in what we do! I'm not just somebody you can just ignore forever! Now you'll have to give me a chance to make my own story!" Yelled Mary with tears in her eyes.

"Your story? What's so special about you making a story! This world is my toybox! I'm the one meant to play with it, not an insignificant welp like you!"

"No! From here on out I refuse to follow you and sit on the sidelines passively! You've had your way for too long! Now it's my turn to take control." Shouted Mary .

"And how exactly do you plan on doing that? This body won't even move anymore." Asked Bloody Mary.

"This is my body so I'll be the one to make the rules!"

Like a statue Bloody Mary remained immobile before the rules began to change before her eyes. 1) The body will be controlled by the original Mary until she can no longer do so or chooses to switch with the other Mary. 2) The other Mary cannot fight against the first rule. 3) "Swap" will be limited in use for the other Mary. 4) The body will be protected from attacks against the soul. 5) The original Mary will be able to move even when the reaper's pages are not in use.

"No! NOOO! You can't do this to me!" Yelled Bloody Mary. "I swear by the flames of hell that I'll come back, and when I do I'll show you what true pain is like! As she finished her words her voice began to fade away into a quiet laugh.

"I'm sorry sis, please, please forgive me," said Mary as she fell onto her knees and tears dropped down her face.

Filling herself with the resolve to move forward, a living doll stood up and went to where she last saw her "uncle".


A boy covered in blood could be seen roaming the city streets. His eyes devoid of any color were quite fitting for his smile. Every so often as he walked a crack sounded from his neck as his head shakes violently. Behind him was a line of corpses with needle like puncture wounds. The local neighborhood was painted red. What exactly was on his mind as he walked? It was the image of his dying sister holding a doll as he was dragged down into a pit of flames.

"Wait just a bit longer sis! Your sweet brother Tomino will make mother and father's death look like an accident. Yes! Because it was an accident! I didn't mean to stab her or father, it was just an urge I could not control. Can I really be blamed for that? Although Avici doesn't seem to care, it clearly was not my fault." He said aloud.

On the edge of the street a little girl with long pink hair could be seen shaking in fear. "P-p-please! D-don't come any closer!" She screamed.

"Maybe sis would like this one?"

"W-What are you saying?!" Asked the girl with tears in her eyes.

"Well maybe if it didn't make so much noise she'd like it more!" He said to himself as he pierced the girl's throat.


[author's thoughts]

No Bloody Mary will not be gone for long. In fact she'll be very important for later event in the hunter exam, speaking of which, after the next chapter there will be a timeskip until the hunter exam. In the hunter exam the original Mary will befriend Gon and the rest. Sorry to all those who wanted to see a longer doll assassin arc, but this re write worked better than what I had written before in terms of setting the stage for later events. Next chapter will come out later because I also need to re write that chapter as well. Let me know if this chapter was more clear, also authors thoughts box doesn't have enough characters for all this.