Because I love you

"Miss Wan Jia, do you need something?" the chef asked respectfully when he saw Wan Jia walk in.

"I'm here to prepare breakfast" she smiled. The servants had a good impression of her, she was kind and neither put on airs nor bullied them.

"I'm sorry Miss Wan Jia, but I cannot let you cook." he smiled back.

"Huh? Why?"

"Master does not allow you to do such tiring things. Please wait a while, breakfast will be ready soon." Besides, do you know how to cook?

Wan Jia knew what he was thinking "It's not that hard, actually I know how to cook. It won't be a problem."

The chef looked depressed. They had all been told to obey her orders but at the same time they had been ordered not to let her do anything tiring. What should he do? Disobey the master or her? "I'm sorry Miss Wan Jia, Master would punnish me if I let you stay in the kitchen. It's oily and smoky in here." He hoped she would understand.

But still she insisted, pleading with puppy eyes "I guarantee you will not be in any kind of trouble."

She had long waited for a chance to show off her culinary skills. She had never cooked for her daughter before. As for Lu Aotian, that guy always forbade her from doing any chores even in the past hence she had never cooked for him either.

Although she was not exactly on the same level as experienced chefs, she was not tooting her own horn by saying that she was a natural talent and her cooking skill was worth being praised.

Back at the He family, everyone loved it when she prepared meals. She had a few kitchen tricks up her sleeves that impressed even madam Yun when she was still pretending to be Yun Xuan.

The chef did not know any of this and thought that her so called culinary skills were simply being able to cook instant noodles. She did not believe that such a delicate and beautiful girl could even hold a kitchen tool.

Besides, the little Miss was very picky with her food and could not eat anything that wasn't extremely perfectly cooked, just like her father.

"I..." he was at a loss.

"Let her." a stern voice interrupted from behind them.

"Eh?" the chef was shocked. Master actually let her cook? He knew his master very well. He didn't allow anything to tire her out and said that her free time should be used either doing things she enjoyed like shopping and watching movies or admiring her beauty.

Having recieved the order, the chef scurried away.

It was now just the two of them in the huge kitchen which Wan Jia felt was significantly smaller with him present.

She felt goosebumps rise on her skin as Lu Aotian walked in. She dared not turn to look at him but she could very much guess that he had a grin on his face.

"What are you cooking?" he asked in a low sexy voice.

She held her breath wordlessly hoping he would leave sooner but only felt him move closer and closer till he was right behind her.

"Can I hug you?" he asked in the same sexiness as he placed his hands beside her on the kitchen counter. His voice was so seductive, there was no cure.

She was trapped between the kitchen counter and him. She instinctively wanted to turn around but if she did, that would be a direct hug and even if she didn't, their position right now could already be considered as two thirds of a hug.

"Hmm?" he prompted when she didn't reply after a long while.

Her heart felt like it would roll out of her chest at any second.

Throwing all other thoughts at the back of her mind, she slowly turned, wrapped her arms around him and burried her head into his chest.

Lu Aotian had only intended to tease her a little and did not expect this move, so he was momentarily stunned.

He held her waist with his arms tightly feeling the warmth emanating from her slim body.

The hug lasted longer than he could ever hope for, the girl didn't seem to be in a hurry to let go. Not that he wanted to let go either anyway, he simply held her closer and stroked her waist long wavy hair.

After several minutes, her legs probably grew numb from standing in the same position for too long and she tried to free herself from his embrace. He held her even tighter and lifted her by the waist, making her sit on the kitchen counter with him between her legs. Wan Jia felt her face burn looking at their embarassing position.

Before she could say anything, he lifted her chin, inching closer and whispered against her ear "why did you bite me?"

The girl blushed and tried to hide away but her red ears were very visible to Lu Aotian. He laughed and teased her even more "Could it be that you always wanted to kiss me but you were too scared so you bit me instead?"


"Then why?"

She kept quiet for a moment before replying "Because I love you."

Lu Aotian's heart skipped a beat. He froze for a good few seconds before his mind reacted. "What did you say?"

"I said, Lu Aotian, I kissed you because I love you."