Ignored for a week

Three days passed by very fast. On the fourth afternoon, Yun Xuan very cheerfully drove into the largest beauty parlor in the capital. She had the stylist cut her blonde hair a little and style it into curls. As usual, the long bangs were retained.

Satisfied with her new look, she proceeded into the shopping centre to buy a dress. Although she did not want to, she noticed how obviously the EFW store in this shopping centre was crowded. Could it be any more obvious?

She gritted her teeth and walked into YX brand store to promote her own studio.

"Boss." The salespeople recognized her and greeted in unison.

They were shocked in the next moment when she chose a cute little dress and said she was going to buy it.

"Boss, you are the boss. How can you buy your own dress?"

"That's right. Boss should not pay for anything here."

"I want to buy it. Do you have a problem with that?" She glared at them.