"Business" in the office

Wan Jia gave a satisfied grin before walking away. A single man and a single woman locked up in an office, it was bound to get interesting. Perhaps it wouldn't be too long before she became an aunt.

With a smile on her face, she skipped over to Lu Enterprises. The best thing about her work was that as long as she completed her assigned work on time, no one would bother her about anything.

It did not matter where she was and what time she went to or left her office, she just had to attend her meetings and submit her drafts on time.

Today, coincidentally, she was lacking inspiration and needed to see her Handsome Lu's charming face to recharge her brain cells.

Cheerfully, she skipped into his private elevator, went to the top floor and opened the door to his office. "Handsome, did you miss me? Can you explain why lately you have been leaving....uh..." before I wake up?