Double happiness

Wan Jia hugged him fondly. "Thank you my love. You should go back to Lu Enterprises now."

"Are you sending me away right after having your way again? You really like burning your bridges." His expression was that of complaint, as though he had been awfully wronged.

"You need to go back to work. Do you think that if you are no longer the hardworking Lu Aotian, I will still want you?"

"I dare you to say that again." Lu Aotian gazed at her dangerously.

"If you are no longer hardworking, I will not..hey! I'm still pregnant." She pushed him away. How could he still kiss her?

"Who was it that said that pregnant women cannot be kissed." He went for her lips as soon as his voice fell.

She still struggled to push him. "The doctor said…"

"Hm? He didn't say I cannot kiss you, did he? If he did, then he must be a quack." He did not stop kissing her. 
