Really want to hold and kiss him

On the same evening, in another part of the city. 

Lin Ye dropped Yun Xuan off at her apartment. 

"Thank you for dropping me off. I will go up now; my little Feng must have missed me a lot. I really want to hold and kiss him."

Lin Ye saw how eager she was to see her baby and felt the urge to see him too. "Can I say hi to him?" 

"I don't know... this is a small bundle of trouble we are talking about. Will he not cry and throw a tantrum once he sees you?" 

Lin Ye did not mind that blue pair of glaring eyes. They loved the same woman and the sooner they became friends, the easier it would be for them. "If he does not want me around, I will leave." 

"Then I don't mind either. Let's go." 

Yun Xuan felt she was forgetting something, but she couldn't get ahold of what it was. She thoughtlessly led Lin Ye into her apartment.