Too late once again

Mu Zhichen gave his phone to her. 

"Hello mom." 

"Honey, where did you run off to?" As expected, Wan Jia was looking for her too. 

"Mom, you don't have to worry. Help me tell Xian Yu that I'll look for him when I get back. I'm at Mu Zhichen's." 

Wan Jia coughed on the other side. "Oh... ahem... then you don't have to worry about us. Please continue with what you were doing." She hung up right after saying this. 

Lu Meili was speechles. Mom, people would easily misunderstand such words. As an elder, what example are you setting for me?

Ignoring her dirty-minded mother, she returned the phone to Mu Zhichen. 

However, something caught her eye as soon as she gave it back. 

She had called Wan Jia just now. But the entry before that... 

'Cute Little Wife'?! 

Her expression changed. This Mu Zhichen... 

"Is anything wrong?" Mu Zhichen's heart skipped a beat when he saw the weird look in her eyes.