
A dark stormy weather day, had started up, just off the coast of mainland. The tides were making gigantic waves that crashed between the pedals of the rocks. Heavy rain splashed so ferociously, that even the echoes of the tides could be heard. Within this hurricane storm, lied a boat being hit between the tides. Four sea guards and their Captain rode those tides, and was fishing around in hidden territory. They didn't realize how far deep they actually were however.

"Hey give me a heading!" The Captain had shouted as he was stirring his boat. The water kept crashing towards it repeatedly, as rain splashed down so much it was really hard to see everyone's features.

"Aye, Captain!" One guard shouted as he took out his scope to look around. However all he could see was water, yet just behind the distance he had seen something. He couldn't point it however, but he knew he saw something.

"What's the status?" The captain commanded as he watched the sea roar like a thousand men.

"About 34.7 Kilometers up north just from the shore lands. Perhaps we're closer than we thought?" A guard has question as he didn't know what to do.

The boat continue to splash across the open ocean into the far ends of the Atlantic. A thunderstorm had echoed like a bolts of lighting striking. The rain was getting thicker and heavier. It was almost hard to see without knowing where anything was.

"Alright mates! Let's give her all's she's got!" The Captain order as the guards said "Yes sir!" As a unit. They ended up splitting up in different directions of the boat. It was pretty  big, but the boat was pretty long as well.

One of the guards had ran towards the opposite end of the boat where he was on the ledge. He took his scope and opened it up to see. However, he simply grunted due to it being impossible. He then turned around and saw that there was a balcony top for the lookout person. He then nodded as he smirked with his crooked teeth and walked over towards it. He started to climb the pole up to the top to get more of a visual.

Another guard had went down into the pipes area where he needed to check the boat fuel as well as the temperature. He was walking down the narrow hallway as he glanced up and noticed the lights on the boat started to flicker. He was a nervous reck, he didn't know what to do. He stood there for a second and tried not to panic as the thunder crackled down once again. He turned his head fastly, as he turned around again in front of him. Nothing could be heard but his own shivering.

The other guard stood up there with the captain as he looked around in the quarters to see if he could find a map. "Where's north?" The guard said as he tried to search between the drawers and the piles of papers. "Haha! North is wherever we want it to be boy!" The captain laughed as he spun the wheel fast as the boat rotated more towards the right. "Sir, this weather is out of control, I'm afraid if we don't do something! We might—"

"Live for the adventure boy! Never focus on the destination" The Captain has cut off his lieutenant as he tried to say something. He then shook his head and continued to try and search when a fish of water had hit the boat.

The crash made a compacting noise, as everyone on the boat fell down. The captain had hit something, or so it felt like to them. The lights on the boat then went off, as everyone had stop what their were doing. For a moment it felt like as if they weren't moving at all.

However, they couldn't help but hear a noise, it was like a soothing sound, with some creaking and screeching mixed in. The captain tried turning up the engine again however couldn't get it going.

"What in the holy fuck!"

"What's wrong."

"This piece of shit boat won't fucking start! Goddamnit work! Work!" The captain yelled as he was trying to repeatedly crank the engine.

"I'll go check what's wrong....." the lieutenant had exclaimed as the captain simply nodded towards him as he grabbed a flashlight from the piles of trash and started to walk off.

The guard down inside the engine area was trying to fix it. However he couldn't really see. His glasses kept getting foggy as he had to continuously take them on and off again. He sighed in annoyance and then his fingers slipped trying to clean them off. They had fell down in a crack into the dirty water that was a puddle made from the leaking of the boat. "Son of a bitch....." he said to himself as he looked at the dirty water and bent down. As he did however, a soft soothing noise could be heard. Almost like a song, however it was heavenly, as well as seductive, and romantic. The shadow on the wall quickly left as soon as he had bent back upward. "Fucking stupid pieces of—"

He bent down over again but at an angle so his arm could go lower into the cracks. He was almost reaching his glasses when he had heard a noise from behind him. He quickly stopped and turned around fast. There was nothing but some old wiring as well as some engine gas openers.

"Who's there? Hello?" He said aloud, as nothing responded to him. He turned back around, as he closed his eyes with a long blink moment. He then tried again going for his glasses. He had almost reached them once more as it felt like something was right behind him with a heavy set shadow.

He was able to grab his glasses as he turned around and nothing again was there. He stood up as his pants was now soaked with mug stains.

He then saw a shadow move past and into another room. He slowly watched it for a moment and then spoke. "Hello? Hey, Earl? Is that you." As he started moving towards it.

Earl had finished climbing the balcony top as he smiled with his unsettling ugly crooked smile. He was enjoying the view of a bunch of dark clouds. He then, had seen something that he splashed within the waters. He took of the scope and tried looking with his own eyes but didn't seen anything. He wiped his eyes as well and then stared blankly into the mist.

He then put his eye back on the scope as he slowly did so this time. He then saw more than just something splashing. He saw an outline of a persons head. He jolted at the figure he saw, as he then turned around and yelled "Hey! Capt! I think we got someone out here!"

He exclaimed as he was having a panicking tone, but also kind of drunkish. "Captin'?" He said, again, as no answer came from the captains quarters.

He turned back around as he slowly started climbing down the balcony and was able to stand on his feet on the boat. He walked over to the edge of the boat and near the railing where he saw the figure. He then slowly saw a shadow over by the boxes as it disappeared into them. "Hey!" He stated, as he had rushed over there to investigate however, when he did. He jolted and dropped his scope along with his flashlight.

He stared at what people have believed to be fake within the mainlands. It was a woman, but not just any woman, a naked bare woman.

She was wearing absolutely nothing, but she had long blonde curly hair that covered her gigantic breasts. She had a crown like, Shaw that was a design for her hairstyle. As well as bracelets that had scribblings on them.

However, the guard was paying those no mind, as he eyes her cleavage area.  His eyebrows moved sexually as he slowly got closer to her. Then, he heard a sound coming from her, yet she wasn't moving her mouth. It was more like a song, a soothing, seductive song, that only he could hear. His eyes was drawn to her, as she watched him and grinned cutely. She watched as he got closer, and moved her hands towards her hair. She brushed her hair back, so her breasts could be revealed.

"Come to daddy baby...." The guard said, as he licked his chapped lips. He wanted her, as he moved faster towards her and stopped once she had placed one finger on his lips. She then got closer wrapping her arms around his neck and pressing herself against him. She then got close to his ear, as she whispered something within it.

The lieutenant, then went down to the docking area of the boat, as it was completely fogging from outside. It was almost as if the rain had completely stopped. He turned, and yelled aloud trying to get anyone's attention. "Hello!? Earl! Carlos!? Max!? Anybody!?" He exclaimed, as he was getting annoyed that he couldn't find anyone.

He then felt a cold chill go up his spine, as he didn't know what it was. He then saw his breathe, as it got icy cold out of no where. He didn't know what it was coming from. However he then felt a gently touch on his shoulder as he screamed and turned around. "Ahhh!"

"AHHHH!!!!!" The other yelled as the lieutenant had yelled first. "Omg... Max, you scared the shit outta me....."

"Yeah! I can say the same to you pal!" max had said as he was still muggy from the fall he had taken earlier.

"... well, did you get that engine up and running, the captain is having some trouble, he can't start his gunner either."

"Nope, it's fucking jammed to something. I think it's something that was hit under water. Or perhaps, it's an engine leak that needs to be patched up. Either way, I can't tell because it's to dark. We need more light to get our bearings." Max had explained to the lieutenant. He then nodded to Max and then sighed, as he simply stated "where the hell is Carlos and Earl".

Carlos has been down in the bunk area trying to find supplies. However he kept running in with no luck. "Goddamnit, this fucking flashlight wont stay the fuck on!" He shouted as he heard a noise coming from where he was. "Hello!?" He said, as he turned his flashlight in that direction. Nothing responded as he then started walking over there, moving boxes out the way slightly so he could get closer to whatever it was. "Hello.....Max? Stop playing around man, your nerd geek games aren't fucking amusing..." Carlos stated as he chuckled with his own comment.

He then raised an eyebrow as he felt it wasn't Max because Max wouldn't responded to such a harsh proclaim. He then glanced back as it was a shadow between the two bunks. He then slowly started walking over there, as he found a pipe leaning next to some boxes. He gently picked it up, and started creeping over to where the shadow was.

He slowly continued as he then pushed out the bunk and grunted as he got scared. "AH! HOLY SHIT! Man— fuck man— Earl you scared the sh—" before he could finish his sentence. Earl had stuck a machete through Carlos neck. Carlos eyes immediately turned red, and white, as the blood started dripping out. Earls eyes had turned red, and he wasn't himself. He had a bit on his neck, as well, as something growing from his skin. It was almost as if he was soulless, as he sliced off Carlos head with a swipe. He then watched him fall to the ground, as earl then glanced up and started walking again.

"This is stupid! Let's just go tell the captain we need to call the IRS" Max stated as he was walking back and forth. The lieutenant, watched as Max did this, and he closed his eyes, as he used his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose. "Ommmg! Holy shit, your gonna make me blow my goddamn brains out if you don't stop fucking pasting!" He shouted as Max stop dead in his tracks. The lieutenant then saw that Max wasn't looking at him, yet something behind him, as Max started to walk backwards and more so with his eyes widen open as if he was frighten.

"Dude? What is it? What the fuck are you so afraid o—" he couldn't finish his words, as he had turned around and saw Earl all bloody, yet he looked pale. He was completely almost looking like a ghost, as the lieutenant rushed over to him. "Earl! Wtf happened to you!? Omg! Are you alright." Earl didn't respond as his head slowly rotated towards him and he laughed with a heavy evil grin about it.

The lieutenant got a little scared by that behavior as he then slowly backed away from Earl with his hands up. "Earl....what's going on man, you can tell us? Where's Carlos....?"

Earl then slowly stopped as he then smiled with blood in his teeth, the blood dropped from his mouth as he spoke, with a more sinister tone and attitude. ".... He's dead.... Because he needs to be my lunch!!!!!" Earl charged at the lieutenant as the lieutenant immediately punched Earl in the face, and Max ran faster than before. He was screaming as he and the lieutenant was getting chased by Earl with the machete in his hands.

Max started to panic as he started to cry as well and completely repeating to himself about how he didn't wish to die. The lieutenant then started barricading the doors as he yelled at Max as well. "Hey' four eyes! Help me!!! Before he gets the fuck in here!" Max jolted up as he started to have a nervous break down. "II—-"


"I—I fucking Can't!!!!" He shouted as he took off without the lieutenant.


Earl had busted down the door as he made the lieutenant fall down, and slam his head by accident. Everything had gone black as he watched Earl run after Max as the screaming and yelling continued as the lieutenant pasted out.

The lieutenant eventually came too as he jolted up from his unconscious. He then looked around as he yelled "Max!?...Max! Where are you! Captain!!! Captain!!" He yelled as he got up in pain, and grunted from it. He was holding the back of his head for a moment as he saw he was bleeding. However, he started walking, on the main dock of the boat as he walked and saw nothing or heard nothing. The lieutenant didn't know what to do, as he did this, the lights from the captains chambers had flashed on him, as he turned around and blocked the light with his arm.

"Hello? Captain is that you? It's me! Your lieutenant." He said towards the light, as the light then went off.

He heard a soothing noise, coming from behind him as he slowly turned around. The wind started to pick up more and more, as he closed his eyes a little bit. He then saw a figure, in the distance. "Hello.....M—Max is that you buddy....." he said slowly. However the music sounded more like a siren than anything, like a call for romance.

The lieutenant couldn't help but listen to it, as he watched the stars start to come out. The clouds were started to disappear as a figure came from the shadows. It was the woman yet again, still bare naked, and her breasts exposed already.

The lieutenant couldn't believe his eyes as he saw her nude. He then walked to her and was completely confused. "Who are you?! How—where!? Where did you come from....."

She slowly touched his lips with her fingers and then pulled his head down towards her.

She kissed his lips gently, as he couldn't resist her lust. He kissed her back, and driving their tongues into another with his blonde hair and hers. She stopped as the sound glue within his head.

She giggled as she then stepped backwards, and jumped into the ocean.

As she did her hair got wet, and soaked, as her eyes glowed in the night.

The lieutenant dived into the water to go after her, as she started to swim away. However, she was much faster than he was. He was swimming as fast as he could, as he started to choke due to some water getting into his mouth.

"W—wwait...." He stated, coughing as he did.

He then stopped because his arms got tired, however he heard the song, much louder now, it was more louder than ever. He looked around but all he saw was ocean and more ocean. He realized he was stranded in the middle of no where in the water. He then felt small ribbles within the water, as she had came behind him. She then slowly and softly whispered in his ear, a tune, the same tune, she was singing before.

He gently turned around and looked at her more, he couldn't see more than her elegant beauty, and her gorgeous breasts along with her long and beautiful hair. She got closer to him and her eyes glowed red. More ribbles around the lieutenant started to foam as more started to come out of no where. Women, after women, both black, and white, Asian, with long elegant hairstyles, and nice firm chests.

He looked around and saw that they had formed a circle around him, close enough to him though.

"O—omg— wow I—I fucking must've died and gone to heaven...." He chuckled at his remark and then glanced at the water. However, he noticed something he didn't before. The girls, didn't have feet. He blinked a few times, to make sure he wasn't seeing anything underneath the water that wasn't suppose too. However he wasn't dreaming, they didn't have feet, instead they had, tails!? No, wait fins!? He quickly turned around and looked at each girls as they all had a sinister smirk upon their faces.

The lieutenant tried to slowly back up but got cut off by another girl. He then found himself swarmed with them. He then slowly closed his eyes, as he shook his head "...fuck me...." He stated to himself as the girls attacked him and dragged him at the bottom of the ocean.

Screaming could be heard with the echoes of the waves being around. As blood started floating to the surface of the water. The clouds suddenly disappeared as the ocean went silently once again.