Chapter 6

He struggled out of his mothers grip and dashed to open the door but as quickly as he opened the door he closed it. There were men or ghost or demons. He didn't know what to call them but they were not normal. They were not like him. He couldn't explain how they looked like as he had rushed in immediately. The people he saw walked with their hands. Their legs up and hands down. Their head touching the ground.

Everything felt like a nightmare he couldn't breath. His mother looked at him with pity and hugged him. "You are the chosen one." She sighed.

And just as he struggled to breath amongst the fear and terror that had enveloped him. He heard knocks on the door. And voices a thousand maybe a million. But they were so many. He didn't know how much they were. But they Kept chanting  the same words his father had told him time and again. "We told you not to paint!"

We have to go Lucy shouted and pulled a still scared Manuel to the window as they jumped out. She jumped out first and then proceeded to help him. It was a bungalow.

Manuel had thought it would be a little bright outside just like other nights when the moon illuminated the night. But as they ran out he noticed the pitch darkness that enveloped the town.

There was no moon. Let's go. Lucy held on to Manuel as they ran into this forest a shortcut they usually took on Sundays when going to church. There was a clear path. Manuel didn't know why they were still running as it was obvious no one was after them again. The wind slapped his face and his breathing became so laboured he thought he would slump.

"Mum let's stop. I. Need to.... Rest" He panted pulling his hand away from his mothers own. Lucy stopped immediately, she was panting also. But the need to get her son away from danger had overwhelmed her. She was very tired but she couldn't stop she had to protect her only child now. After they had caught their Breath Manuel tried to rest on the tree but Lucy pulled him up immediately.  They were close.

"We can't stop son." She said too quietly. "They are everywhere." And Manuel knew she was right when he heard the voices again. "We told you not to paint." This time the voices came out as wails.

He started to cry but his mother held him tight. "You will paint." She whispered. Then she held their hands as they ran to the chapel without looking back. When they got to the chapel they banged on the door furiously till the priest opened it. He was still searing his cassock and rosary. His old face edged with surprise and restlessness. Looking at him so close made Manuel realize how old he was. His face was really wrinkled. His grey eyes had lost the life In them.

He was just as short as Lucy. Father Josiah  pulled them in before he asked any questions. His hands were cold as he touched Manuel.