Chapter 8

The room shook from the effect of the screams. Manuel and Lucy fell down. Their heart could no longer stand the fear. They shut their eyes and held their ears tight willing the voices to stop. But the voices became louder. The voices intensified. Their screams were painful.

Soon it felt like they were at a river bank as they started to hear waves hit the wall. When Manuel opened his eyes he wished he never did. Their in the room on the walls were all his missing paintings and blood flowed out from each one of them. Soon the floor was Covered with blood.

Manuel screamed at the sight of this hitting his mother profusely willing her to open her eyes. Lucy's eyes felt heavy, she couldn't open them she Heard Manuel scream but she thought it was just another of the demons in her mind. When she felt tears fall on Her hands she opened her eyes only to see the room flooded with blood.

"Sweet Mary." She screamed jumping up. Her heart stopped.

"Mum." Manuel drawled. He was happy. He couldn't loose his mother. He couldn't be alone. He had to have at least one anchor. The blood filled the room and was already reaching Manuel's knees. He feared he will drown in a river of blood. They resumed banging the door and screaming not knowing what else to do, when Manuel fell into a trance.

Lucy starred at her son in shock as his hands moved away from the door to his back park. "No! No! Not now! Not now!" She wailed. But Manuel was already gone.

His grey eyes turned black. He was detached from the world. He took out his brush and cardboard from his bag pack. Lucy watched as her son dipped his brush in the pool of blood and stroked on the paper. She smiled.

The voices turned to cries. "We told you not to paint. We told you not to paint." They chanted. Their voices were very urgent. But Manuel won't stop, he was no longer in control of his body. He had finished the painting when the door burst open. It was a simple painting, the crucifix.

The door burst open immediately he came out of his trance and they came in. The legions. Only one amongst them walked with his legs and he stood in front. Leading. Although blood came out of his eyes, hands and legs. He looked more powerful than the rest.

He held Manuel and Lucy on their necks and pulled them out of the room. His eyes filled with unimaginable rage. They fell down on the floor. Looking around the room where he had dropped them. It was similar to the other room. Dark only illuminated by a single candle, the fire from the candle reached the ceiling. The light it gave was scary.  It demarcated the room.