Chapter 12

They were all chanting the same thing. Their hands together hidden under their sultan. Their chantings became louder each time. It was a cry for acceptance. "Lucifero ti adoriamo prendi questo sacrificio." He was sure that whatever it is they were saying wasn't good. Manuel cried. He wanted to tell them to take his life already but he didn't have to as he felt Josiah cut into his veins with a sharp blade. His blood flowing down the table from his right hand into the canvass. His blood the paint again only this time he didn't hold the brush.

"E  stato adempiuto." They started chanting as his blood continued to flow. Manuel could feel his eyes go heavy and his soul depart. He almost passed out but before he did he saw a man in white and he immediately recognized him as the angel in his dreams. He had come at last, Manuel thought.

"You are saved." The man said as Manuel drifted into sleep.

When Manuel woke up he was lying on a huge bed. The biggest he had ever been on, and the man was by his side. Although Manuel couldn't see his face as they shown brightly like the sun he knew it was him. It was like staring straight at the sun. He closed his eyes. He felt safe.

"Who are you?" Manuel asked but he got no reply.

After some time passed he heard the Angel say. "It is finished." He opened his eyes immediately wanting to know what the Angel meant but when he opened his eyes the Angel was no longer there.

The door opened and Manuel jumped up in fear. It can't be happening again. The Angel had said it is finished. It should mean his pain is finished, shouldn't it. But then maybe it meant his life is finished Manuel thought but he was not scared. He had surrounded his life to God. Do with me as you please, he told him."

"He's awake." A happy bass voice startled him. The voice belonged to a very good looking priest. With brown eyes and chiselled jaw. He was very tall and macular even in his sultan.

Manuel stared at him with admiration refusing to move. "If this is the end. Let it be." He sighed resignedly.

The priest said nothing more but simply sat besides him. "My name is father Jose and you are?" He asked Manuel holding his hands. He used his thumb to rub the back of Manuel's hands relaxing him.

Manuel felt so much at peace he said his name. "My name is Manuel." His voice was very hoarse he proceeded to clear his throat.

"Welcome to St Peter's parish. We saw you at the gate. You were scared." Father Jose stopped talking, he faced Manuel and smiled. "You are safe now." He said truthfully. Manuel could not help it, he burst into tears as he laid His head on Manuel's chest and sobbed to his hearts content. "You are fine now." Father Jose kept reassuring him. Till she stopped crying.

"Thanks father." Manuel smiled. For some reason he trusted him, he felt happy. For some reason he believed the Angel.

"Take your bath and get dressed we are going t mass." Father Jose happily informed a smiling Manuel. With that he pecked Manuel on his forehead and left. Manuel smiled happily and even as he walked to church, he smiled.