Holding On

They say that I will be okay.

That things are temporary.

But the truth is they don't know.

They don't know If I will ever be okay

They say to hold on and that things will get better.

But they only say that to make themselves feel better.

They don't understand what I'm going through.

They think that I am okay when the honest truth

Is that I'm not okay and I never was.

They tell me to talk.

That it will make me feel better.

How would you know?

It's not easy to talk to someone about what's going on.

Because talking will just send me somewhere away from home.

They say not to bottle my feelings up. That I would just explode.

I already exploded from the inside out.

Like a grenade that took everything away from me.

They don't know! they don't know how I feel!

I'm depressed.

I self-harm.

I can't sleep at night because of these monsters inside of me.

Destroying every bit of happiness that is left.

So don't tell me that I'm okay.

When you don't know that