Bullies (2)

Since I was thirteen years old, I've been bullied.

I've been teased and laughed at.

For the way I looked and spoked.

Not just by kids, but by adults as well.

They said horrible things to me.

Things that should never be told

To a human being.

This caused me to have insecurities.

To think lowly about myself.

And to distant myself from everyone and everything.

I've became depressed....

Thinking that things aren't going to get better.

That I'll be alone forever.

I thought that no one would ever want to be my friend.

That I'm just an outcast to the world.

I've accepted that and gave up on everything.

Now eighteen years old.

Still getting bullied....

I thought getting older, the bullying would stop.

It never actually stopped, only got worse.

But the thing I never had before, I have now.

That is friends and they changed my life for the better.

Now, I don't let bullying stop me from doing what I love.

I never gave up, like they told me to do.

And I stopped listening to their negativity.

Because I know that what they say about me

Isn't true.

I don't take any of their words to heart, even if it does hurt.