A taste of her skill

Meilin wasn't impressed. She knew that she had become Li Huang's new prey when she had refused him. Jue was thinking the same thing. She gave Meilin a questioning look. "What are you going to do now?" Jue was worried as Li Huang was very powerful. Meilin smiled a smile that wasn't a smile. "Well, it seems as if I need to show someone whos boss." Jue felt sorry for the poor soul that was going to be tasked with 'fetching' Meilin.

~Mey Hotel, 3rd floor~

Meilin sensed more than heard the person behind her. She pulled out her pocket mirror and saw a man hastily hiding around a corner. Meilin smirked. Suddenly the light flickered and went out. Meilin heard someone running then the man tried to grab her but she spun away and drove her knee into the man's side. The man let out a cry and dropped to his knees. Meilin jabbed her elbow in between his shoulders and he fell, face down, to the floor. When the light turned on again, there was a man, dressed im black, lying face down on the floor with a note pinned to his head. The words were written in blood, it said 'Never underestimate me again'