Back to the competition

After Ling Seko left, Meilin smiled and ordered a hot chocolate from the counter.

When she took a sip, she saw a familiar figure walking through the door. She frowned as she remembered his name. Wasn't it San Mo, the head judge of the designing competition? He pushed himself through the group of young adults that were surrounding him. He looked around the cafe, as if searching for someone. When their eyes met he smiled in surprise. He quickly walked over to where Meilin was sitting. Meilin raised her eyebrows. "Are you, by any chance, looking for me?" San Mo cleared his throat, "Well, yes actually", San Mo was nervous, "it's regarding the competition" "Really?" Meilin sounded bored. San Mo frowned. He had expected her to be more excited or in awe yet it seemed like she didn't care. "Are you aware that you are on the participants list? I would like to inform you that the competition starts in three days. What happens is that each competitor puts in 3 designs according to the theme of the day. Then the best twenty designs are chosen." "And why are you telling me this?" San Mo shrugged "Let's just say that I value my life." With that, he turned on his heel and left. Meilin was speechless. Who could have made him tell her the information? Didn't everyone else want to win and try to ruin others chances? Then she realized.

~In Ling manor~

"Did you tell her?" A scared voice answered "Yes, yes I did" There was a pause "Good"

When San Mo left, Ling Seko relaxed and leaned back in his chair. Just as he closed his eyes to rest, he was disturbed by a phone ringing. As he went to pick it up, he casually glanced at the caller id. He smirked. It seemed that she had caught up pretty quickly who had sent San Mo. He answered the call and it was silent for a moment. Then a scarily calm voice spoke. "Why?" "Why? Silly girl do you even understand what kind of opportunity this is? Not only socially but you could make a lot of deals that could benefit us all" Meilin was pissed. She didn't want other people's lives in danger because of some stupid competition. "Just leave everyone alone, okay?" Ling Seko sighed. "Of course" "Of course what?" "I will leave everyone alone" Ling Seko was angry now. He was just trying to be nice. He closed the call and leaned back again to relax.


Meilin looked at her phone in annoyance. Seko was using the same stupid methods as ever, to get what he wanted. She sighed. She wanted to win the competition on her own, using her own skills. Not that she needed help anyways.